Pattern Recognition and
Image Processing Group
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Former (1990-2021)
TU Wien Informatics

Projects and Theses

We offer various topics and problems for:
  • Bachelorarbeit für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik (186.825 PR)
  • Praktikum aus Visual Computing (186.838 PR)
  • Diplomarbeit/Mastersthesis (183.293 SE)
  • Doctoral thesis (183.304 SE)

How to find a topic

FIRST: Check if you are with the right group. PRIP offers topics in the fields of:
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Image Processing
  • Computer Vision
  1. Select one of the open topics below and get in contact with us (email, PRIP dialog).
  2. Join one of our PRIP dialogs and get to know our current research topics.
  3. Come up with your own topic (within our main research areas) and get in contact with us (email, PRIP dialog).


Open Topics

In the following, you can find currently open topics, where we are actively searching for interested and motivated students.


How to write a thesis
Contact: Mail: webmaster(at) | Tel: +43.1.58801.193301 | Fax : no longer available
2014-2020 PRIP, Impressum / Datenschutzerklärung
This page is maintained by Webmaster ( webmaster(at) ) and was last modified on 14. September 2021 11:29