Pattern Recognition and
Image Processing Group
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Former (1990-2021)
TU Wien Informatics

List of Publications

... sorted descending by year

Matching entries: 0
Majid Banaeyan, Walter G. Kropatsch (2023), "Reducing the Computational Complexity of the Eccentricity Transform of a Tree" , 13th IAPR-TC15 International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition (GbRPR), 2023.
author={Banaeyan, Majid and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
title={Reducing the Computational Complexity of the Eccentricity Transform of a Tree},
booktitle={13th IAPR-TC15 International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition (GbRPR), Salerno, Italy, September 6-8, 2023},
Majid Banaeyan, Walter G. Kropatsch (2023), "Distance Transform in Parallel Logarithmic Complexity" , Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM 2023, DOI: 10.5220/0011681500003411.
author={Banaeyan, Majid and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
title={Redundant 1-cells in Multi-labeled 2-Gmap Irregular Pyramids},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM,},
Majid Banaeyan, Walter G. Kropatsch and Jiří Hladůvka (2022), "Redundant 1-cells in Multi-labeled 2-Gmap Irregular Pyramids" , Proceedings of Austrian Association of Pattern Recognition, OAGM 2022.
      author = {Banaeyan, Majid and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Hlad˚uvka, Jiří},
      booktitle = {Austrian Association of Pattern Recognition (OAGM), Vienna, Austria, November 7-8, 2022},
      title = {Redundant 1-cells in Multi-labeled 2-Gmap Irregular Pyramids},
      year  = {2022},
      pages = {5-11},
Majid Banaeyan, Walter G. Kropatsch (2022), "Fast Labeled Spanning Tree in Binary Irregular Graph Pyramids" , Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences, Volume 1, Issue 10, Page # 69-78, 2022; DOI: 10.55708/js0110009.
author = {{Majid Banaeyan}, Walter G. Kropatsch},
doi = {10.55708/js0110009},
file = {:D\:/JENRS/Publication/JENRS_0110009.pdf:pdf},
journal = {Journal of Engineering Research and Sciences},
keywords = {irregular pyramid,parallel processing,spanning tree,total order},
number = {10},
pages = {69--78},
title = {{Fast Labeled Spanning Tree in Binary Irregular Graph Pyramids}},
volume = {1},
year = {2022}
Majid Banaeyan, Carmine Carratù, Walter G. Kropatsch and Jiří Hladůvka (2022), "Fast Distance Transforms in Graphs and in Gmaps" , IAPR Joint International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR 2022) and Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2022), Montreal, Canada, August 26-27, 2022.
      author = {Banaeyan, Majid and Carratù, Carmine and Kropatsch, Walter G. and  Hladůvka, Jiří },
      booktitle = {IAPR Joint International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR 2022) and Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR 2022), Montreal, Canada, August 26-27, 2022},
      title = {Fast Distance Transforms in Graphs and in Gmaps},
      year  = {2022},
      pages = {193--202},
Majid Banaeyan and Walter G. Kropatsch (2022), "Parallel O(log(n)) Computation of the Adjacency of Connected Components" , 3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI), Paris, France, June 1-3, 2022.
      author = {Banaeyan, Majid and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
      booktitle = {3rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (ICPRAI), Paris, France, June 1-3, 2022},
      title = {Parallel O(log(n)) Computation of the Adjacency of Connected Components},
      year  = {2022},
      pages = {102-113},
Majid Banaeyan, Darshan Batavia and Walter G. Kropatsch (2022), "Removing Redundancies in Binary Images" , 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Patterns Recognition (ISPR), Hammamet, Tunisia, March 24-25, 2022.
      author = {Banaeyan, Majid and Batavia, Darshan and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
      booktitle = {2nd International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Patterns Recognition (ISPR), Hammamet, Tunisia, March 24-25, 2022},
      title = {Removing Redundancies in Binary Images},
      year  = {2022},
      pages = {221-233},
Majid Banaeyan and Faezeh Moteabbed (2021), "360 Calibration Tunnel for Around-view Monitoring System" , 8th International Conference on New Solutions in Engineering, Information Science and Technology of the Century ahead (ICIET), Dubai-UAE, Apr 18-19, 2021.
      author = {Banaeyan, Majid and Moteabbed, Faezeh},
      booktitle = {8th International Conference on New Solutions in Engineering, Information Science and Technology of the Century ahead (ICIET), Dubai-UAE, Apr 18-19, 2021},
      title = {360 Calibration Tunnel for Around-view Monitoring System},
      year  = {2021},
      pages = {1-5},
Majid Banaeyan and Walter G. Kropatsch (2021), "Pyramidal Connected Component Labeling by Irregular Graph Pyramid" , 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA).
      author    = {Banaeyan, Majid and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
      booktitle = {5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IPRIA)},
      title     = {Pyramidal Connected Component Labeling by Irregular Graph Pyramid},
      year      = {2021},
      pages     = {1-5},
      doi       = {10.1109/IPRIA53572.2021.9483533}
Livija Jakaite and Vitaly Schetinin and Jiří Hladůvka and Sergey Minaev and Aziz Ambia and Wojtek Krzanowski (2021), "Deep learning for early detection of pathological changes in X-ray bone microstructures: case of osteoarthritis" , Scientific Reports, Vol. 11 (2294)
  author = {Livija Jakaite and Vitaly Schetinin and Jiří Hladůvka and Sergey Minaev and Aziz Ambia and Wojtek Krzanowski},
  title = {Deep learning for early detection of pathological changes in X-ray bone microstructures: case of osteoarthritis},
  journal = {Scientific Reports},
  year = {2021},
  volume = {11},
  number = {2294},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1038/s41598-021-81786-4}
Majid Banaeyan (2020), "Model-Free Multi-Camera Calibration By Graph Pyramid" , 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Engineering and smart Grids, Tbilisi-Georgia, Dec 1st, 2020.
    author    = {Banaeyan Majid},
    booktitle = {4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Engineering and smart Grids, Tbilisi-Georgia, Dec 1st, 2020},
    title     = {Model-Free Multi-Camera Calibration By Graph Pyramid},
    year      = {2020},
    pages     = {1-14},
Majid Banaeyan, Walter G. Kropatsch and Rashid Zamanshoar (2020), "Pyramidal Connected Component Labeling of Image" , 4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Engineering and smart Grids, Tbilisi-Georgia, Dec 1st, 2020.
    author    = {Banaeyan, Majid and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Zamanshoar Rashid},
    booktitle = {4th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic Engineering and smart Grids, Tbilisi-Georgia, Dec 1st, 2020},
    title     = {Pyramidal Connected Component Labeling of Image},
    year      = {2020},
    pages     = {1-9},
Bogner, Florian and Palmrich, Alexander and Kropatsch, Walter G. (2020), Editor(s): Roth, Peter M. and Steinbauer, Gerald and Fraundorfer, Friedrich and Brandstötter, Mathias and Perko, Roland, "Border Propagation: A Novel Approach to Determine Slope Region Decompositions" , In Proceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020, pp. 137-142. Technische Universität Graz.
  author = {Bogner, Florian and Palmrich, Alexander and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Roth, Peter M. and Steinbauer, Gerald and Fraundorfer, Friedrich and Brandstötter, Mathias and Perko, Roland},
  title = {Border Propagation: A Novel Approach to Determine Slope Region Decompositions},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020},
  publisher = {Technische Universität Graz},
  year = {2020},
  pages = {137--142},
  note = {ISBN 978-3-85125-752-6},
  url = {

.pdf} }
Djukic, Nicola and Vincze, Markus and Kropatsch, Walter G. (2020), Editor(s): Roth, Peter M. and Steinbauer, Gerald and Fraundorfer, Friedrich and Brandstötter, Mathias and Perko, Roland, "The Difficulties of Detecting Deformable Objects Using Deep Neural Networks" , In Proceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020, pp. 131-136. Technische Universität Graz.
  author = {Djukic, Nicola and Vincze, Markus and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Roth, Peter M. and Steinbauer, Gerald and Fraundorfer, Friedrich and Brandstötter, Mathias and Perko, Roland},
  title = {The Difficulties of Detecting Deformable Objects Using Deep Neural Networks},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop 2020},
  publisher = {Technische Universität Graz},
  year = {2020},
  pages = {131--136},
  note = {ISBN 978-3-85125-752-6},
  url = {}
Renner V and Hladůvka J (2020), "Towards Identification of Incorrectly Segmented OCT Scans", In Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop. , pp. 159-165.
  author = {Verena Renner and Jiř\i Hladůvka},
  title = {Towards Identification of Incorrectly Segmented OCT Scans},
  booktitle = {Joint Austrian Computer Vision and Robotics Workshop},
  year = {2020},
  pages = {159--165}
Kropatsch WG, Casablanca RM, Batavia D and Gonzalez-Diaz R (2019), "Computing and Reducing Slope Complexes", In Proceedings 7th intl. Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context. Malaga, Spain, January, 2019. Vol. LNCS 11382, pp. 12-25. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Casablanca, Rocio M. and Batavia, Darshan and Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio},
  editor = {Rebeca Marfil and Mariletty Calderon and Fernando Diaz del Rio and Pedro Real and Antonio Banderas},
  title = {Computing and Reducing Slope Complexes},
  booktitle = {Proceedings 7th intl. Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {LNCS 11382},
  pages = {12--25},
  url = {}
Batavia D, Kropatsch WG, Gonzalez-Diaz R and Casablanca RM (2019), "Counting Slope Regions in the Surface Graphs", In Proc. 24th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Stift Vorau, A, February, 2019. , pp. 42-50. TU Graz.
  author = {Batavia, Darshan and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio and Casablanca, Rocio M.},
  editor = {Friedrich Fraundorfer and Peter M. Roth and Fabian Schenk},
  title = {Counting Slope Regions in the Surface Graphs},
  booktitle = {Proc. 24th Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {TU Graz},
  year = {2019},
  pages = {42--50},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.3217/978-3-85125-652-9-05}
Kropatsch WG, Casablanca RM, Batavia D and Gonzalez-Diaz R (2019), "On the Space Between Critical Points", In Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Marne-la-Vallée, F, March, 2019. Vol. LNCS 11414, pp. 115-126. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Casablanca, Rocio M. and Batavia, Darshan and Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio},
  editor = {Couprie, Michel and Cousty, Jean and Kenmochi, Yukiko and Mustafa, Nabil},
  title = {On the Space Between Critical Points},
  booktitle = {Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {LNCS 11414},
  pages = {115--126},
  url = {}
Langer M, Gabdulkhakova A and Kropatsch WG (2019), "Non-Centered Voronoi Skeletons", In Proc. 21st Intl. Workshop on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Paris, F, March, 2019. Vol. LNCS 11414, pp. 355-366. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Langer, Maximilian and Gabdulkhakova, Aysylu and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Couprie, Michel and Cousty, Jean and Kenmochi, Yukiko and Mustafa, Nabil},
  title = {Non-Centered Voronoi Skeletons},
  booktitle = {Proc. 21st Intl. Workshop on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {LNCS 11414},
  pages = {355--366},
  url = {}
Batavia D, Kropatsch WG, Casablanca RM and Gonzalez-Diaz R (2019), "Congratulations! Dual Graphs are Now Oriented", In Proc. 12th Intl. Workshop on Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. Tours, F, June, 2019. Vol. LNCS 11510, pp. 131-140. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Batavia, Darshan and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Casablanca, Rocio M. and Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio},
  editor = {Donatello Conte and Jean-Yves Ramel and Pasquale Foggia},
  title = {Congratulations! Dual Graphs are Now Oriented},
  booktitle = {Proc. 12th Intl. Workshop on Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {LNCS 11510},
  pages = {131--140},
  url = {}
Batavia D, Hladůvka J and Kropatsch WG (2019), "Partitioning 2D Images into Prototypes of Slope Region", In Proc. 18th Intl. Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Salerno, I, September, 2019. Vol. LNCS 11678, pp. 363-374. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  author = {Batavia, Darshan and Hladůvka, Jiř\i and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Vento, Mario and Percannella, Gennaro},
  title = {Partitioning 2D Images into Prototypes of Slope Region},
  booktitle = {Proc. 18th Intl. Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns},
  publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland AG},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {LNCS 11678},
  pages = {363--374},
  url = {}
Kniaz VV, Knyaz VA, Hladůvka J, Kropatsch WG and Mizginov V (2019), "ThermalGAN: Multimodal Color-to-Thermal Image Translation for Person Re-identification in Multispectral Dataset", In Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 Workshops. , pp. 606-624. Springer International Publishing.
  author = {Kniaz, Vladimir V. and Knyaz, Vladimir A. and Hladůvka, Jiř\i and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Mizginov, Vladimir},
  title = {ThermalGAN: Multimodal Color-to-Thermal Image Translation for Person Re-identification in Multispectral Dataset},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision – ECCV 2018 Workshops},
  publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
  year = {2019},
  pages = {606--624},
  url = {}
Gabdulkhakova A, Langer M, Langer BW and Kropatsch WG (2018), "Line Voronoi Diagrams using Elliptical Distances", In S+SSPR 2018., August, 2018. Vol. LNCS 11004, pp. 258-267. Springer International.
  author = {Gabdulkhakova, Aysylu and Langer, Maximilian and Langer, Bernhard W. and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Bai, Xiao and Hancock, Edwin and Ho, Tin Kam and Wilson, Richard and Biggio, Battista andRobles-Kelly, Antonio},
  title = {Line Voronoi Diagrams using Elliptical Distances},
  booktitle = {S+SSPR 2018},
  publisher = {Springer International},
  year = {2018},
  volume = {LNCS 11004},
  pages = {258--267},
  url = {}
Gabdulkhakova A and Kropatsch WG (2018), "Confocal Ellipse-based Distance and Confocal Elliptical Field for Polygonal Shapes", In 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. , pp. 3025-3030. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Gabdulkhakova, Aysylu and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Confocal Ellipse-based Distance and Confocal Elliptical Field for Polygonal Shapes},
  booktitle = {24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {2018},
  pages = {3025--3030},
  url = {}
Gostler A, Artner NM, Kropatsch WG and Fusani L (2018), "Tracking Golden-Collared Manakins in the Wild", In 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Workshop Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior (VAIB 2018).
  author = {Gostler, Anna and Artner, Nicole M. and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Fusani, Leonida},
  editor = {Robert M. Fisher},
  title = {Tracking Golden-Collared Manakins in the Wild},
  booktitle = {24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Workshop Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior (VAIB 2018)},
  year = {2018},
  url = {}
Pucher D and Kropatsch WG (2018), "Segmentation Edit Distance", In 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. , pp. 1175-1180. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Pucher, Daniel and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Segmentation Edit Distance},
  booktitle = {24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {2018},
  pages = {1175--1180},
  url = {}
Janusch I and Kropatsch WG (2017), "LBP Scale Space Origins for Shape Classification", In Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2017. Retz, A, February, 2017. , pp. 1-9. TU Wien, PRIP Club.
  author = {Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Nicole M. Artner and Ines Janusch and Walter G. Kropatsch},
  title = {LBP Scale Space Origins for Shape Classification},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2017},
  publisher = {TU Wien, PRIP Club},
  year = {2017},
  pages = {1--9},
  note = {ISBN 978-3-200-04969-7},
  url = {}
Mucciolo G, Koneczny B, Saggese A, Artner NM, Kropatsch WG and Vento M (2017), "Analysis and Calibration of a Mirror Setup producing Mirror-reflected, Multi-view Videos", In Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop., Feb., 2017. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group (PRIP) and PRIP club.
  author = {Gianluigi Mucciolo and Barbara Koneczny and Alessia Saggese and Nicole M. Artner and Walter G. Kropatsch and Mario Vento},
  title = {Analysis and Calibration of a Mirror Setup producing Mirror-reflected, Multi-view Videos},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group (PRIP) and PRIP club},
  year = {2017},
  url = {}
Oliva L, Saggese A, Artner NM and Kropatsch WG (2017), "From trajectories to behaviors: an algorithm to track and describe dancing birds", In Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop., Feb., 2017. Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group (PRIP) and PRIP club.
  author = {Leonardo Oliva and Alessia Saggese and Nicole M. Artner and Walter G. Kropatsch},
  title = {From trajectories to behaviors: an algorithm to track and describe dancing birds},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Pattern Recognition and Image Processing Group (PRIP) and PRIP club},
  year = {2017},
  url = {}
Banaeyan M, Huber H, Kropatsch WG and Barth R (2016), "A Novel Concept for Smart Camera Image Stitching", In Proceedings of the 21st Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2016. Rimske Toplice, Slovenia, February, 2016. , pp. 1-9.
  author = {Banaeyan, Majid and Huber, Hanna and 
Kropatsch, Walter G. and Barth, Raphael}, editor = {Čehovin, Luka and Mandeljc, Rok and
Štruc, Vitomir}, title = {A Novel Concept for Smart Camera Image Stitching}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2016, Rimske Toplice, Slovenia, February, 2016}, year = {2016}, pages = {1--9}, url = {} }
Cerman M, Janusch I, Gonzalez-Diaz R and Kropatsch WG (2016), "Topology-based image segmentation using LBP pyramids", Machine Vision and Applications. , pp. 1-14.
  author = {Cerman, Martin
and Janusch, Ines
and Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio
and Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {Topology-based image segmentation using LBP pyramids}, journal = {Machine Vision and Applications}, year = {2016}, pages = {1--14}, url = {}, doi = {10.1007/s00138-016-0795-1} }
Janusch I and Kropatsch WG (2016), "Shape Classification according to LBP Persistence of Critical Points", In Proceedings of the 19th IAPR-TC18 Workshop on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI2016)., April, 2016. Vol. LNCS 9647, pp. 166-177. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Normand, Nicolas and Guedon, Jeanpierre and Autrusseau, Florent},
  title = {Shape Classification according to LBP Persistence of Critical Points},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th IAPR-TC18 Workshop on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI2016)},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2016},
  volume = {LNCS 9647},
  pages = {166--177},
  url = {}
Janusch I and Kropatsch WG (2016), "Persistence based on LBP Scale Space", In Proceedings of the Computer Topology in the Image Context. Marseille, F, June, 2016. Vol. LNCS 9667, pp. 240-252. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Alexandra Bac, Jean-Luc Mari},
  title = {Persistence based on LBP Scale Space},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Computer Topology in the Image Context},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2016},
  volume = {LNCS 9667},
  pages = {240--252},
  url = {}
Kaindl M and Kropatsch WG (2016), "A concept for shape representation with linked local coordinate systems", In Proceedings of the 21st Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2016. Rimske Toplice, Slo, February, 2016. , pp. 1-9.
  author = {Kaindl, Manuela and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Čehovin, Luka and Mandeljc, Rok and 
Štruc, Vitomir}, title = {A concept for shape representation with linked local coordinate systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2016}, year = {2016}, pages = {1--9}, url = {} }
Koerner C, Janusch I and Kropatsch WG (2016), "Noise Robustness of Irregular LBP Pyramids", In Proceedings of the OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop on "Computer Vision and Robotics"., May, 2016. , pp. 101 - 108.
  author = {Koerner, Chrsitoph and Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Noise Robustness of Irregular LBP Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the OAGM & ARW Joint Workshop on "Computer Vision and Robotics"},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {101 -- 108},
  url = {}
Malinao J, Judex F, Selke T, Zucker G, Caro J and Kropatsch WG (2016), "Pattern mining and fault detection via it COP_therm-based
profiling with correlation analysis of circuit variables in chiller systems"
, Computer Science - Research and Development. , pp. 79-87. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Malinao, Jasmine and Judex, Florian and Selke, Tim and 
Zucker, Gerhard and Caro, Jaime and Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {Pattern mining and fault detection via it COP_therm-based
profiling with correlation analysis of circuit variables in chiller systems}, journal = {Computer Science - Research and Development}, publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2016}, pages = {79--87}, url = {} }
Pucher D, Artner NM and Kropatsch WG (2016), "2D tracking of Platynereis dumerilii worms during spawning", In Proceedings of the 21st Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2016. Rimske Toplice, Slo, February, 2016. , pp. 1-9.
  author = {Pucher, Daniel and Artner, Nicole M. and 
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Čehovin, Luka and Mandeljc, Rok and
Štruc, Vitomir}, title = {2D tracking of Platynereis dumerilii worms during spawning}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2016}, year = {2016}, pages = {1--9}, url = {} }
Sansone C, Pucher D, Artner NM, Kropatsch WG, Saggese A and Vento M (2016), "Shape Normalizing and Tracking Dancing Worms", In Joint IAPR International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR) and Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR). , pp. 390-400.
  author = {Sansone, Carmine and Pucher, Daniel and Artner, Nicole M and Kropatsch, Walter G and Saggese, Alessia and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Shape Normalizing and Tracking Dancing Worms},
  booktitle = {Joint IAPR International Workshops on Statistical Techniques in Pattern Recognition (SPR) and Structural and Syntactic Pattern Recognition (SSPR)},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {390--400},
  url = {}
Artner NM, Janusch I and Kropatsch WG (2015), "Evaluating and Grading Students in Large-Scale Image Processing Lectures", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Vol. 35(5), pp. 101 - 105.
  author = {Artner, Nicole M. and Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Evaluating and Grading Students in Large-Scale Image Processing Lectures},
  journal = {IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {35},
  number = {5},
  pages = {101 -- 105},
  url = {}
Augustin M, Haxhimusa Y, Busch W and Kropatsch WG (2015), "A framework for the extraction of quantitative traits from 2D images of mature Arabidopsis thaliana", Machine Vision and Applications., September, 2015. Vol. online, pp. pp. ??-??. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Augustin, Marco and Haxhimusa, Yll and Busch, Wolfgang and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {A framework for the extraction of quantitative traits from 2D images of mature Arabidopsis thaliana},
  journal = {Machine Vision and Applications},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {online},
  pages = {pp. ??--??},
  url = {}
Cerman M, Gonzalez-Diaz R and Kropatsch WG (2015), "LBP and Irregular Graph Pyramids", In Proceedings of the CAIP2015. Malta, September, 2015.
  author = {Cerman, Martin and Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Petkov, Nicolai and  Azzopardi , George},
  title = {LBP and Irregular Graph Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the CAIP2015},
  year = {2015},
  url = {}
deSousa S and Kropatsch WG (2015), "Graph-based Point Drift: Graph Centrality on the Registration of Point-Sets", Pattern Recognition., February, 2015. Vol. 48(2), pp. 368-379. Elsevier.
  author = {deSousa, Samuel and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Artner, Nicole M. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Jiang, Xiaoyi},
  title = {Graph-based Point Drift: Graph Centrality on the Registration of Point-Sets},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {48},
  number = {2},
  pages = {368--379},
  url = {}
de Sousa S and Kropatsch WG (2015), "Data Graph Formulation as the Minimum-Weight Maximum-Entropy Problem", In Proceedings of the Workshop GbR2015. Beijing, China, May, 2015. , pp. 13-22.
  author = {de Sousa, Samuel and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Liu, Cheng-Lin and Luo, Bin and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Cheng, Jian},
  title = {Data Graph Formulation as the Minimum-Weight Maximum-Entropy Problem},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop GbR2015},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {13--22},
  note = {Best paper award},
  url = {}
de Sousa S and Kropatsch WG (2015), "The Minimum Spanning Tree of Maximum Entropy", In Proceedings of the ÖAGM Workshop 2015. Salzburg, Austria, May, 2015.
  author = {de Sousa, Samuel and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Uhl, Andreas and Kwitt, Roland},
  title = {The Minimum Spanning Tree of Maximum Entropy},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ÖAGM Workshop 2015},
  year = {2015},
  note = {arXiv:1505.06319 [cs.CV]. Best paper award},
  url = {}
Dvorak P, Bartusek K, Kropatsch WG and Smékal Z (2015), "Automated Multi-Contrast Brain Pathological Area Extraction from 2D MR Images", Journal of Applied Research and Technology., February, 2015. Vol. 13, pp. 58-69.
  author = {Dvorak, Pavel and Bartusek, Karel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Smékal, Z.},
  title = {Automated Multi-Contrast Brain Pathological Area Extraction from 2D MR Images},
  journal = {Journal of Applied Research and Technology},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {13},
  pages = {58--69},
  url = {}
Janusch I and Kropatsch WG (2015), "Novel Concepts for Recognition and Representation of Structure in Spatio-Temporal Classes of Images", In Proceedings of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2015. Seggau, A, February, 2015. , pp. 49-56.
  author = {Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Wohlhart, Paul and Lepetit, Vincent},
  title = {Novel Concepts for Recognition and Representation of Structure in Spatio-Temporal Classes of Images},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2015},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {49--56},
  url = {}
Janusch I and Kropatsch WG (2015), "Reeb Graphs Through Local Binary Patterns", In Proceedings of the Workshop GbR2015. Beijing, China, May, 2015. , pp. 54-63.
  author = {Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Liu, Cheng-Lin and Luo, Bin and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Cheng, Jian},
  title = {Reeb Graphs Through Local Binary Patterns},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop GbR2015},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {54--63},
  url = {}
Kniefacz P and Kropatsch WG (2015), "Smooth and iteratively Restore: A simple and fast edge-preserving smoothing model", In Proceedings of the ÖAGM Workshop 2015. Salzburg, Austria, May, 2015.
  author = {Kniefacz, Philip and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Uhl, Andreas and Kwitt, Roland},
  title = {Smooth and iteratively Restore: A simple and fast edge-preserving smoothing model},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the ÖAGM Workshop 2015},
  year = {2015},
  note = {arXiv:1505.06702 [cs.CV].},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG, Artner NM, Haxhimusa Y and Jiang X (2015), "Preface of Special Issue on ''Graph-based Processing for Pattern Recognition''", Pattern Recognition. Vol. 48(2), pp. 289 - 290.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Artner, Nicole M. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Jiang, Xiaoyi},
  title = {Preface of Special Issue on ''Graph-based Processing for Pattern Recognition''},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {48},
  number = {2},
  pages = {289 -- 290},
  note = {Special Issue of GbRPR 2013}
(2015), "Proceedings of the 10th IAPR - TC-15~Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition" Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2015. Vol. 9069 Springer-Verlag.
  editor = {Liu, Cheng-Lin and Luo, Bin and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Cheng, Jian},
  title = {Proceedings of the 10th IAPR - TC-15~Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {9069}
Kropatsch WG (2015), "Von digitalen RGBD-Bildern zum Modell, 3D Bildanalyse zur Phänotypisierung", Akademieverlag. Vol. in print, pp. ?? - ??.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {Von digitalen RGBD-Bildern zum Modell, 3D Bildanalyse zur Phänotypisierung},
  journal = {Akademieverlag},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {in print},
  pages = {?? -- ??}
Malinao J, Judex F, Selke T, Zucker G, Caro J and Kropatsch WG (2015), "Pattern mining and fault detection via COP_therm-based profiling with correlation analysis of circuit variables in chiller systems", Computer Science - Research and Development. , pp. 1-9. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Malinao, Jasmine and Judex, Florian and Selke, Tim and Zucker, Gerhard and Caro, Jaime and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Pattern mining and fault detection via COP_therm-based profiling with correlation analysis of circuit variables in chiller systems},
  journal = {Computer Science - Research and Development},
  publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {1--9}
Ramachandran G and Kropatsch WG (2015), "A combined distance measure for 2D shape matching", In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, ICCVIA2015. Sousse, Tunesia, January, 2015.
  author = {Ramachandran, Geetha and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {A combined distance measure for 2D shape matching},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Analysis, ICCVIA2015},
  year = {2015},
  url = {}
Sprinzl M, Kropatsch WG, Sablatnig R and Langs G (2015), "Towards Segmentation of Human Teeth Contours in Dental Radiographs Using Active Shape Models", In Proceedings of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2015. Seggau, A, February, 2015. , pp. 11-20.
  author = {Sprinzl, Michael and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Sablatnig, Robert and Langs, Georg},
  editor = {Wohlhart, Paul and Lepetit, Vincent},
  title = {Towards Segmentation of Human Teeth Contours in Dental Radiographs Using Active Shape Models},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2015},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {11--20},
  url = {}
Artner NM and Kropatsch WG (2014), "Object Tracking based on Features and Structures", In FEAST 2014 - ICPR Workshop on Features and Structures. , pp. in press. Springer.
  author = {Artner, Nicole M. and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Cheplygina, Veronika and Feragon, Aasa and Kasenburg, Niklas and 
Loog, Marco}, title = {Object Tracking based on Features and Structures}, booktitle = {FEAST 2014 - ICPR Workshop on Features and Structures}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2014}, pages = {in press}, url = {} }
Augustin M, Haxhimusa Y, Busch W and Kropatsch WG (2014), "Image-Based Phenotyping of the Mature Arabidopsis Shoot System", In ECCV 2014 Workshops, Part IV, Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP). Zurich, CH, September, 2014. Vol. LNCS 8928, pp. pp. 227-242. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Augustin, Marco and Haxhimusa, Yll and Busch, Wolfgang and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Scharr, Hanno},
  title = {Image-Based Phenotyping of the Mature Arabidopsis Shoot System},
  booktitle = {ECCV 2014 Workshops, Part IV, Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP)},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {LNCS 8928},
  pages = {pp. 227--242},
  url = {}
Druml T, Gabdulkhakova A, Artner N, Brem G and Kropatsch WG (2014), "The use of image data in the assessment of equine conformation - limitations and solutions", In Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior 2014. , pp. in press. Springer.
  author = {Druml, Thomas and Gabdulkhakova, Aysylu and Artner, Nicole and
Brem, Gottfried and Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Fisher, Robert B. and Hammal, J. and Boom, B. and Spampinato}, title = {The use of image data in the assessment of equine conformation - limitations and solutions}, booktitle = {Visual observation and analysis of Vertebrate And Insect Behavior 2014}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2014}, pages = {in press}, url = {} }
Gabdulkhakova A and Kropatsch WG (2014), "Video analysis of a snooker footage
based on a kinematic model"
, In Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. Vol. LNCS 8621, pp. 223-232. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Gabdulkhakova, Aysylu and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Fränti, Pasi and Brown, Gavin and Loog, Marco},
  title = {Video analysis of a snooker footage 
based on a kinematic model}, booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2014}, volume = {LNCS 8621}, pages = {223--232}, url = {} }
Gonzalez-Diaz R, Kropatsch WG, Cerman M and Lamar J (2014), "Characterizing Configurations of critical points through LBP", In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC2014. Timisoara, Romania, September, 2014.
  author = {Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Cerman, Martin and Lamar, Javier},
  editor = {Onchis, Darian M. and Real Jurado, Pedro },
  title = {Characterizing Configurations of critical points through LBP},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC2014},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Janusch I, Kropatsch WG and Busch W (2014), "Reeb graph based examination of root development", In Proceedings of the 19th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2014. Křtiny, CZ, February, 2014. , pp. 43-50.
  author = {Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Busch, Wolfgang},
  editor = {Kúkelová, Zuzana and Heller, Jan},
  title = {Reeb graph based examination of root development},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2014},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {43--50},
  note = {ISBN: 978-80-260-5641-6},
  url = {}
Janusch I, Kropatsch WG, Busch W and Ristova D (2014), "Representing Roots on the Basis of Reeb Graphs in Plant Phenotyping", In ECCV 2014 Workshops, Part IV, Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP). Zurich, CH, September, 2014. Vol. LNCS 8928, pp. pp. 71-840. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Busch, Wolfgang and Ristova, Daniela},
  editor = {Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Scharr, Hanno},
  title = {Representing Roots on the Basis of Reeb Graphs in Plant Phenotyping},
  booktitle = {ECCV 2014 Workshops, Part IV, Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP)},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {LNCS 8928},
  pages = {pp. 71--840},
  url = {}
Janusch I, Kropatsch WG and Busch W (2014), "Topological Image Analysis and (Normalised) Representations for Plant Phenotyping", In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC2014. Timisoara, Romania, September, 2014.
  author = {Janusch, Ines and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Busch, Wolfgang},
  editor = {Onchis, Darian M. and Real Jurado, Pedro },
  title = {Topological Image Analysis and (Normalised) Representations for Plant Phenotyping},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC2014},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Nguyen TP, Manzanera A and Kropatsch WG (2014), "Impact of topology-related attributes from Local Binary Patterns on texture classification", In Proceedings of the 2nd Intl. Workshop on Computer Vision With Local Binary Pattern Variants (ECCV'14). Zurich, CH, September, 2014. Vol. LNCS 8926 Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Nguyen, Thanh Phuong and Manzanera, Antoine and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Hadid, Abdenour and Dugelay, Jean-Luc and Li, Stan Z. },
  title = {Impact of topology-related attributes from Local Binary Patterns on texture classification},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Intl. Workshop on Computer Vision With Local Binary Pattern Variants (ECCV'14)},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {LNCS 8926},
  url = {}
Torres F and Kropatsch WG (2014), "Canonical Encoding of the Combinatorial Pyramid", In Proceedings of the 19th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2014. Křtiny, CZ, February, 2014. , pp. 118-125.
  author = {Torres, Fuensanta and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kúkelová, Zuzana and Heller, Jan},
  title = {Canonical Encoding of the Combinatorial Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2014},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {118--125},
  note = {ISBN: 978-80-260-5641-6},
  url = {}
Tzou C-HJ, Artner NM, Pona I, Hold A, Placheta E, Kropatsch WG and Frey M (2014), "Comparison of three-dimensional surface-imaging systems", Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery., January, 2014. Vol. 67 , pp. 489-497 .
  author = {Tzou, Chieh-Han John and Artner, Nicole M. and Pona, Igor and Hold, Alina and Placheta, Eva and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Frey, Manfred},
  title = {Comparison of three-dimensional surface-imaging systems},
  journal = {Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery},
  year = {2014},
  volume = { 67 },
  pages = { 489--497 },
  url = {}
Aldoma A, Tombari F, Kropatsch WG and Vincze M (2013), "Localizing and Segmenting Objects with 3D Objectness", In Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013. Hernstein, Austria, February, 2013. , pp. 86-93.
  author = {Aldoma, Aitor and Tombari, Federico and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Vincze, Markus},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Torres, Fuensanta and Ramachandran, Geetha},
  title = {Localizing and Segmenting Objects with 3D Objectness},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {86--93},
  note = {ISBN: 978-3-200-02943-9},
  url = {}
Artner NM and Kropatsch WG (2013), "Structural Cues in 2D Tracking: Edge Lengths vs. Barycentric Coordinates", In Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications. Havanna, Cuba, November, 2013. Vol. LNCS 8259, pp. 503-512. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Artner, Nicole M. and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Ruiz-Shulcloper, José and Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella},
  title = {Structural Cues in 2D Tracking: Edge Lengths vs. Barycentric Coordinates},
  booktitle = {Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {LNCS 8259},
  pages = {503--512},
  url = {}
deSousa S, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2013), "Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for the Max-Cut Problem", In Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 9th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop. Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2013. Vol. 7877, pp. 244-253. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {deSousa, Samuel and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Artner, Nicole M. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Jiang, Xiaoyi},
  title = {Estimation of Distribution Algorithm for the Max-Cut Problem},
  booktitle = {Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 9th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {7877},
  pages = {244--253},
  url = {}
deSousa S, Artner NM and Kropatsch WG (2013), "On the Evaluation of Graph Centrality for Shape Matching", In Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 9th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop. Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2013. Vol. 7877, pp. 204-213. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {deSousa, Samuel and Artner, Nicole M. and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Artner, Nicole M. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Jiang, Xiaoyi},
  title = {On the Evaluation of Graph Centrality for Shape Matching},
  booktitle = {Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 9th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {7877},
  pages = {204--213},
  url = {}
Dvorak P and Kropatsch WG (2013), "Detection of Brain Tumors Based on Automatic Symmetry Analysis", In Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013. Hernstein, Austria, February, 2013. , pp. 24-31.
  author = {Dvorak, Pavel and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Torres, Fuensanta and Ramachandran, Geetha},
  title = {Detection of Brain Tumors Based on Automatic Symmetry Analysis},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {24--31},
  note = {ISBN: 978-3-200-02943-9},
  url = {}
Dvořák P, Kropatsch WG and Bartušek K (2013), "Pathological Area Detection in MR Images of Brain", Elektrorevue. Vol. 4(1), pp. 17-21.
  author = {Dvořák, Pavel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Bartušek, Karel},
  title = {Pathological Area Detection in MR Images of Brain},
  journal = {Elektrorevue},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {4},
  number = {1},
  pages = {17--21},
  url = {}
Dvorak P, Kropatsch WG and Bartusek K (2013), "Automatic Brain Tumor Detection in T2-weighted Magnetic Resonance Images", Measurement Science Review. Vol. 13(5), pp. 223-230.
  author = {Dvorak, Pavel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Bartusek, Karel},
  title = {Automatic Brain Tumor Detection in T2-weighted Magnetic Resonance Images},
  journal = {Measurement Science Review},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {13},
  number = {5},
  pages = {223--230},
  url = {}
Dvorak P, Bartusek K and Kropatsch WG (2013), "Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumor Edema in FLAIR MRI Using Symmetry and Thresholding", In Proceedings of PIERS 2013 in Stockholm. Stockholm, Sweden, August, 2013. , pp. 936-939. Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium.
  author = {Dvorak, Pavel and Bartusek, Karel and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumor Edema in FLAIR MRI Using Symmetry and Thresholding},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of PIERS 2013 in Stockholm},
  publisher = { Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {936--939},
  note = {ISSN 1559-9450},
  url = {}
Dvorak P, Kropatsch WG and Bartusek K (2013), "Automatic Detection of Brain Tumors in MR Images", In Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2013., July, 2013. , pp. 577-580.
  author = {Dvorak, Pavel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Bartusek, Karel},
  title = {Automatic Detection of Brain Tumors in MR Images},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2013},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {577--580},
  url = {}
Gabdulkhakova A, Hassan T and Kropatsch WG (2013), "Logical Layout Recovery: approach for graphic-based features", In Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013. Hernstein, Austria, February, 2013. , pp. 47-54.
  author = {Gabdulkhakova, Aysylu and Hassan, Tamir and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Torres, Fuensanta and Ramachandran, Geetha},
  title = {Logical Layout Recovery: approach for graphic-based features},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {47--54},
  note = {ISBN: 978-3-200-02943-9},
  url = {}
(2013), "Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013" Hernstein, Austria, February, 2013. PRIP, TU Wien.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Torres, Fuensanta and Ramachandran, Geetha},
  title = {Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2013},
  note = {ISBN: 978-3-200-02943-9}
(2013), "Proceedings of the 9th IAPR - TC-15~Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition" Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2013. Vol. 7877 Springer-Verlag.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Artner, Nicole M. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Jiang, Xiaoyi},
  title = {Proceedings of the 9th IAPR - TC-15~Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {7877}
Real P and Kropatsch WG (2013), "Special issue on computer analysis of images and patterns", Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. 34(8), pp. 831-832.
  author = {Real, Pedro and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Special issue on computer analysis of images and patterns},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {34},
  number = {8},
  pages = {831--832},
  note = {Special Issue of CAIP 2011}
Smochina C, Manta V and Kropatsch WG (2013), "Crypts detection in microscopic images using hierarchical structures", Pattern Recognition Letters., June, 2013. Vol. 34 ( 8 ), pp. 934-941.
  author = { Smochina, Cristian and Manta, Vasile and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {Crypts detection in microscopic images using hierarchical structures},
  journal = { Pattern Recognition Letters},
  year = {2013},
  volume = { 34 },
  number = { 8 },
  pages = {934--941},
  url = {}
Torres F and Kropatsch WG (2013), "Top-down 3D Tracking and Pose Estimation of a Die Using Check-points", In Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013. Hernstein, Austria, February, 2013. , pp. 102-109.
  author = {Torres, Fuensanta and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Torres, Fuensanta and Ramachandran, Geetha},
  title = {Top-down 3D Tracking and Pose Estimation of a Die Using Check-points},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2013},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {102--109},
  note = {ISBN: 978-3-200-02943-9},
  url = {}
Tzou C-HJ, Artner NM, Kropatsch WG and Frey M (2013), "Three-Dimensional Surface-Imaging Systems", Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery., April, 2013. Vol. 131 ( 4 ), pp. 668e-670e .
  author = { Tzou, Chieh-Han John and Artner, Nicole M. and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Frey, Manfred},
  title = {Three-Dimensional Surface-Imaging Systems},
  journal = { Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery},
  year = {2013},
  volume = { 131 },
  number = { 4 },
  pages = { 668e--670e }
Antunez E, Haxhimusa Y, Marfil R, Kropatsch WG and Banderas AJ (2012), "Artificial visual attention using Combinatorial Pyramids", In Robotic Vision: Technologies for Machine Learning and Vision Applications . , pp. 439-457 . IGI Global .
  author = { Antunez, Esther and Haxhimusa, Yll and Marfil, Rebeca and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Banderas, Antonio J.},
  editor = { Cazorla, Miguel and García-Rodríguez, José },
  title = {Artificial visual attention using Combinatorial Pyramids},
  booktitle = { Robotic Vision: Technologies for Machine Learning and Vision Applications },
  publisher = { IGI Global },
  year = {2012},
  pages = { 439--457 },
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2012), "Hierarchical Graph Encodings", In Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs: Theory and Practice. , pp. 305-349 . CRC Press .
  author = { Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = { Lézoray, Olivier and Grady, Leo },
  title = {Hierarchical Graph Encodings},
  booktitle = { Image Processing and Analysis with Graphs: Theory and Practice},
  publisher = { CRC Press },
  year = {2012},
  pages = { 305--349 }
Limbeck P, Kropatsch WG and Haxhimusa Y (2012), "Semi-Automatic Tracking of Markers in Facial Palsy", In 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition. , pp. 69-72. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Limbeck, Philip and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll},
  editor = {Hideo Saito, Yoshimitsu Aoki },
  title = {Semi-Automatic Tracking of Markers in Facial Palsy},
  booktitle = {21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {69--72},
  note = {paper 1087.pdf on ICPR2012},
  url = {}
Ramachandran G and Kropatsch WG (2012), "Using Aspect Graphs for View Synthesis", In Proceedings of the 17th. Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Mala Nedelja, Slovenia, February, 2012. , pp. 161-167. Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society.
  author = {Ramachandran, Geetha and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Matej Kristan, Luka Čehovin, Rok Mandeljc (eds.)},
  title = {Using Aspect Graphs for View Synthesis},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th. Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {161--167},
  url = {}
Torres F and Kropatsch WG (2012), "Initialzing 3D Model-Based Tracking of Dice", In Proceedings of the Intl. Conf. on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. Wien, A, April, 2012. , pp. 338-341. IEEE Computer Society.
  author = {Torres, Fuensanta and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Markus Rupp},
  title = {Initialzing 3D Model-Based Tracking of Dice},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Intl. Conf. on Systems, Signals and Image Processing},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {338--341},
  url = {}
Torres F and Kropatsch WG (2012), "Top-Down Tracking and Estimating 3D Pose of a Die", In Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. , pp. 492-500. Springer.
  author = {Torres, Fuensanta and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Top-Down Tracking and Estimating 3D Pose of a Die},
  booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {492--500},
  url = {}
Tzou C-HJ, Pona I, Placheta E, Hold A, Michaelidou M, Artner N, Kropatsch WG, Gerber H and Frey M (2012), "Evolution of the 3-Dimensional Video System for Facial Motion Analysis: Ten Yearsrq Experiences and Recent Developments", Annals of Plastic Surgery., August, 2012. Vol. 69 ( 2 ), pp. 173-185.
  author = { Tzou, Chieh-Han John and Pona, Igor and Placheta, Eva and Hold, Alina and Michaelidou, Maria and Artner, Nicole and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Gerber, Hans and Frey, Manfred},
  title = {Evolution of the 3-Dimensional Video System for Facial Motion Analysis: Ten Yearsrq Experiences and Recent Developments},
  journal = {Annals of Plastic Surgery},
  year = {2012},
  volume = { 69 },
  number = { 2 },
  pages = {173--185},
  url = {}
Vuçini E and Kropatsch WG (2012), "On the Search of Optimal Reconstruction Resolution", Pattern Recognition Letters., August, 2012. Vol. 69 ( 11 ), pp. 1460-1467.
  author = { Vuçini, Erald and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {On the Search of Optimal Reconstruction Resolution},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  year = {2012},
  volume = { 69 },
  number = { 11 },
  pages = {1460--1467},
  url = {}
Artner NM, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Multi-scale 2D Tracking of Articulated Objects Using Hierarchical Spring Systems", Pattern Recognition ., April, 2011. Vol. 44 ( 4 ), pp. 800 - 810.
  author = { Artner, Nicole M. and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {Multi-scale 2D Tracking of Articulated Objects Using Hierarchical Spring Systems},
  journal = { Pattern Recognition },
  year = {2011},
  volume = { 44 },
  number = { 4 },
  pages = {800 -- 810},
  url = {}
Artner NM, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Hierarchical spatio-temporal extraction of models for moving rigid parts", Pattern Recognition Letters., December, 2011. Vol. 32 ( 16 ), pp. 2239-2249.
  author = { Artner, Nicole M. and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {Hierarchical spatio-temporal extraction of models for moving rigid parts},
  journal = { Pattern Recognition Letters},
  year = {2011},
  volume = { 32 },
  number = { 16 },
  pages = {2239--2249},
  url = {}
Artner NM, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Spatio-Temporal Extraction of Articulated Models in a Graph Pyramid", In Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 8th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop. Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2011. Vol. 6658, pp. 215-224. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {Artner, Nicole M. and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Jiang, Xiaoyi and Ferrer, Miquel and Toresello, Andrea},
  title = {Spatio-Temporal Extraction of Articulated Models in a Graph Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 8th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {6658},
  pages = {215--224},
  url = {}
Cerri A, Frosini P, Kropatsch WG and Landi C (2011), "A Global Method for Reducing Multidimensional Size Graphs", In Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 8th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop. Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2011. Vol. 6658, pp. 1-11. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {Cerri, Andrea and Frosini, Patrizio and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Landi, Claudia},
  editor = {Jiang, Xiaoyi and Ferrer, Miquel and Toresello, Andrea},
  title = {A Global Method for Reducing Multidimensional Size Graphs},
  booktitle = {Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 8th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {6658},
  pages = {1--11},
  url = {}
Dlotko P, Kropatsch WG and Wagner H (2011), "Characterizing Obstacle-Avoiding Paths using Cohomology Theory", In The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP). Berlin Heidelberg, September, 2011. Vol. 6854, pp. 310-317. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Dlotko, Pawel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Wagner, Hubert},
  editor = {Real, Pedro and Diaz-Pernil, Daniel and Molina-Abril, Helena and Berciano, Ainhoa and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Characterizing Obstacle-Avoiding Paths using Cohomology Theory},
  booktitle = {The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {6854},
  pages = {310--317},
  url = {}
Gerstmayer M, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Hierarchical Interactive Image Segmentation Using Irregular Pyramids", In Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 8th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop. Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2011. Vol. 6658, pp. 245-254. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {Gerstmayer, Michael and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Jiang, Xiaoyi and Ferrer, Miquel and Torsello, Andrea},
  title = {Hierarchical Interactive Image Segmentation Using Irregular Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 8th IAPR - TC-15 Workshop},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {6658},
  pages = {245--254},
  url = {}
Gonzalez-Diaz R, Ion A, Iglesias-Ham M and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Invariant Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators using Irregular Graph Pyramids", Computer Vision and Image Understanding ., July, 2011. Vol. 115( 7 ), pp. 1011 - 1022. Elsevier.
  author = { Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio and Ion, Adrian and Iglesias-Ham, Mabel and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {Invariant Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators using Irregular Graph Pyramids},
  journal = { Computer Vision and Image Understanding },
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {115},
  number = { 7 },
  pages = {1011 -- 1022},
  url = {}
Iglesias-Ham M, García-Reyes EB, Kropatsch WG and Artner NM (2011), "Convex Deficiencies for Human Action Recognition", Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems., January, 2011. Vol. 64(3-4), pp. 353-364. Springer.
  author = {Iglesias-Ham, Mabel and García-Reyes, Edel Bartolo and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Artner, Nicole M.},
  title = {Convex Deficiencies for Human Action Recognition},
  journal = {Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {64},
  number = {3-4},
  pages = {353--364},
  url = {}
Ion A, Artner NM, Peyré G, Kropatsch WG and Cohen L (2011), "Matching 2D & 3D Articulated Shapes Using the Eccentricity Transform", Computer Vision and Image Understanding., June, 2011. Vol. 115(6), pp. 817-834. Elsevier.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Artner, Nicole M. and Peyré, Gabriel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Cohen, Laurent},
  title = {Matching 2D & 3D Articulated Shapes Using the Eccentricity Transform},
  journal = {Computer Vision and Image Understanding},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {115},
  number = {6},
  pages = {817--834},
  url = {}
Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Skewed Coordinate System for Dense Point Correspondences
Inside Articulated Shapes"
Abstract: This paper considers using a non-rigid coordinate system to find corresponding points in different poses of the same articulated 2D shape.
The shape-centered coordinate system is mapped on top of the eccentricity transform of the shape, which uses maximal geodesic distances and is bounded under articulation. The isolines of the eccentricity transform are used as one of the coordinates, the radial-like, and the other one, the angular-like, is stretched to compensate for changes in the widths of parts.
The polar-like coordinate system is first computed on inter-pixel isolines and then mapped to the pixels.
The angular-like coordinates are aligned using the 1D signals of the eccentricity values along the boundaries of the two shapes.
Correspondences between points are established by minimizing the difference of their coordinates.
Detecting failed correspondences is done using an adaptive threshold which adjusts to the changing local variation of the coordinates.
Experimental results are shown on a set of hand poses, ranging from minor movement to touching or missing fingers.
  author = {Adrian Ion and Yll Haxhimusa and Walter G. Kropatsch},
  title = {Skewed Coordinate System for Dense Point Correspondences 
Inside Articulated Shapes}, year = {2011}, number = {PRIP-TR-126}, url = {} }
Kropatsch WG, Ion A and Artner NM (2011), "Describing When and Where in Vision", In The 16th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2011. Berlin Heidelberg, November, 2011. Vol. 7042, pp. 25-25. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Kropatsch, Walter G. and Ion, Adrian and Artner, Nicole M.},
  editor = {C. San Martin and S.-W. Kim },
  title = {Describing When and Where in Vision},
  booktitle = {The 16th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2011},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {7042},
  pages = {25--25},
  note = {invited keynote, abstract only}
(2011), "The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)" Seville, Spain, August, 2011. Vol. 6854/6855 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  editor = {Berciano, Ainhoa and Diaz-Pernil, Daniel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Molina-Abril, Helena and Real, Pedro},
  title = {The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {6854/6855}
Shreve M, Jain N, Goldgof D, Sarkar S, Kropatsch WG, Tzou C-HJ and Frey M (2011), "Evaluation of Facial Reconstructive Surgery on Patients with Facial Palsy using Optical Strain", In The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP). Berlin Heidelberg, September, 2011. Vol. 6854, pp. 512-519. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Shreve, Matthew and Jain, Neeha and Goldgof, Dmitry and Sarkar, Sudeep and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Tzou, Chieh-Han John and Frey, Manfred},
  editor = {Real, Pedro and Diaz-Pernil, Daniel and Molina-Abril, Helena and Berciano, Ainhoa and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Evaluation of Facial Reconstructive Surgery on Patients with Facial Palsy using Optical Strain},
  booktitle = {The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {6854},
  pages = {512--519},
  url = {}
Smochina C, Manta V and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Semantic Segmentation of Microscopic Images Using a Morphological Hierarchy", In The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP). Berlin Heidelberg, September, 2011. Vol. 6854, pp. 102-109. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Smochina, Cristian and Manta, Vasile and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Real, Pedro and Diaz-Pernil, Daniel and Molina-Abril, Helena and Berciano, Ainhoa and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Semantic Segmentation of Microscopic Images Using a Morphological Hierarchy},
  booktitle = {The 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {6854},
  pages = {102--109},
  url = {}
Smochina C, Manta V and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Sampling Step Importance in Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation of Microscopic Images", In 15th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing 2011. Sinaia, Romania, October, 2011. , pp. 535-540. Faculty of Automatic Control & Computer Engineering, Iasi (FACCEI).
  author = { Smochina, Cristian and Manta, Vasile and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Mihail Voicu},
  title = {Sampling Step Importance in Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation of Microscopic Images},
  booktitle = {15th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing 2011},
  publisher = {Faculty of Automatic Control & Computer Engineering, Iasi (FACCEI)},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {535--540}
Smochina C, Rogojanu R, Manta V and Kropatsch WG (2011), "Epithelial Area Detection in Cytokeratin Microscopic Images Using MSER Segmentation in Anisotropic Pyramid", In The 6th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics. Delft, November, 2011. Vol. 7036, pp. 318-329. Springer.
  author = { Smochina, Cristian and Rogojanu, Radu and Manta, Vasile and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Loog, Marco and Wessels, Lodewyk and Reinders, Marcel J.T. and de Ridder, Dick},
  title = {Epithelial Area Detection in Cytokeratin Microscopic Images Using MSER Segmentation in Anisotropic Pyramid},
  booktitle = {The 6th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {7036},
  pages = {318--329},
  url = {}
Antunez E, Molina-Abril H and Kropatsch WG (2010), "Representing the Surface of Objects by Combinatorial Pyramids", In Proceedings of the 15th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Nové Hrady, Cz, February, 2010. , pp. 85-90. Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, and the Center of Machine Perception at CTU Prague.
  author = {Antunez, Esther and Molina-Abril, Helena and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Libor v Spav cek and Vojtv ech Franc},
  title = {Representing the Surface of Objects by Combinatorial Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, and the Center of Machine Perception at CTU Prague},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {85--90},
  url = {}
Iglesias-Ham M, García-Reyes E, Kropatsch WG and Gonzalez-Diaz R (2010), "Algorithm to Compute a Minimal Length Basis of Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators", In 3rd Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC). Chipiona, Spain, November, 2010. , pp. 121-127. University of Sevilla, Spain.
  author = {Iglesias-Ham, Mabel and García-Reyes, Edel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio},
  editor = {Rocío González Díaz and Pedro Real Jurado},
  title = {Algorithm to Compute a Minimal Length Basis of Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators},
  booktitle = {3rd Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC)},
  publisher = {University of Sevilla, Spain},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {121--127},
  note = {ISBN: 1885-4508},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG (2010), "Representing Scenes with dynamic objects by Graph Pyramids", February, 2010.
  author = { Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {Representing Scenes with dynamic objects by Graph Pyramids},
  year = {2010},
  note = { invited Keynote at The Seventh IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG and Ruiz-Shulclopper J (2010), "Editorial: Robust and efficient analysis of signals and images", Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. 31(6), pp. 445-446.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Ruiz-Shulclopper, José},
  title = {Editorial: Robust and efficient analysis of signals and images},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {31},
  number = {6},
  pages = {445--446},
  note = {Special Issue of CIARP 2008}
Mateos L and Kropatsch WG (2010), "Multi-View Integration for a Rotating 3D Object", In Proceedings of the 15th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Nové Hrady, Cz, February, 2010. , pp. 72-76. Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, and the Center of Machine Perception at CTU Prague.
  author = {Mateos, Luis and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Libor v Spav cek and Vojtv ech Franc},
  title = {Multi-View Integration for a Rotating 3D Object},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, and the Center of Machine Perception at CTU Prague},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {72--76},
  url = {}
Pizlo Z, Sawada T, Li Y, Kropatsch WG and Steinman RM (2010), "New approach to the perception of 3D shape based on veridicality, complexity, symmetry and volume", Vision Research . Vol. 50, pp. 1-11 . Elsevier.
  author = {Pizlo, Zygmunt and Sawada, Tadamasa and Li, Yunfeng and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Steinman, Robert M.},
  title = {New approach to the perception of 3D shape based on veridicality, complexity, symmetry and volume},
  journal = { Vision Research },
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {50},
  pages = {1--11 },
  url = {}
Shao D and Kropatsch WG (2010), "Irregular Laplacian Graph Pyramid", In Proceedings of the 15th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Nové Hrady, Cz, February, 2010. , pp. 66-71. Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, and the Center of Machine Perception at CTU Prague.
  author = {Shao, Dan and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Libor v Spav cek and Vojtv ech Franc},
  title = {Irregular Laplacian Graph Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics, and the Center of Machine Perception at CTU Prague},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {66--71},
  url = {}
Antunez E, Marfil R, Bandera A and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Adaptive Dominant Points Detector for Visual Landmark Description", In Proceedings of the 33rd annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM/AAPR). Stainz, Austria, May, 2009. , pp. 189-200. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Antunez, Esther and Marfil, Rebeca and Bandera, Antonio and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Peter M. Roth, Thomas Mautner, Thomas Pock},
  title = {Adaptive Dominant Points Detector for Visual Landmark Description},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM/AAPR)},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {189--200},
  note = {Band~254},
  url = {}
Artner NM, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Tracking Articulated Objects Using Structure", In Proceedings of the 14th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Eibiswald, Austria, February, 2009. , pp. 51-58. PRIP, TU Wien.
  author = {Artner, Nicole M. and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {A. Ion and W.G. Kropatsch},
  title = {Tracking Articulated Objects Using Structure},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {51--58},
  note = {ISBN 978-3-200-01390-2},
  url = {}
Artner NM, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Tracking Objects Beyond Rigid Motion", In Proceedings of the 7th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop, GbRPR 2009, on Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2009. Vol. 5534, pp. 82-91. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Artner, Nicole M. and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Torsello, Andrea and Escolano, Francisco and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Tracking Objects Beyond Rigid Motion},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop, GbRPR 2009, on Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {5534},
  pages = {82--91},
  url = {}
Artner N, Beleznai C and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Tracking Using a Hierarchical Structural Representation", In Proceedings of the 33rd annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM/AAPR). Stainz, Austria, May, 2009. , pp. 249-260. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Artner, Nicole and Beleznai, Csaba and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Peter M. Roth, Thomas Mautner, Thomas Pock},
  title = {Tracking Using a Hierarchical Structural Representation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 33rd annual Workshop of the Austrian Association for Pattern Recognition (OAGM/AAPR)},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {249--260},
  note = {Band~254},
  url = {}
Artner NM, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Coarse-to-Fine Tracking of Articulated Objects Using a Hierarchical Spring System", In The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP). Berlin Heidelberg, September, 2009. Vol. 5702, pp. 1011-1018. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Artner, Nicole M. and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Jiang, Xiaoyi and Petkov, Nicolai },
  title = {Coarse-to-Fine Tracking of Articulated Objects Using a Hierarchical Spring System},
  booktitle = {The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {5702},
  pages = {1011--1018},
  url = {}
Artner NM, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Rigid Part Decomposition in a Graph Pyramid", In The 14th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009. Berlin Heidelberg, November, 2009. Vol. 5856, pp. 758-765. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {Artner, Nicole M. and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Jan Olof Eklundh},
  title = {Rigid Part Decomposition in a Graph Pyramid},
  booktitle = {The 14th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {5856},
  pages = {758--765},
  url = {}
Gonzalez-Diaz R, Ion A, Iglesias-Ham M and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Irregular Graph Pyramids and Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators", In Proceedings of the 7th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop, GbRPR 2009, on Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. Berlin Heidelberg, May, 2009. Vol. 5534, pp. 263-272. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio and Ion, Adrian and Iglesias-Ham, Mabel and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Torsello, Andrea and Escolano, Francisco and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Irregular Graph Pyramids and Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop, GbRPR 2009, on Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {5534},
  pages = {263--272},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Kropatsch WG, Pizlo Z and Ion A (2009), "Approximative Graph Pyramid Solution of the E-TSP", Image and Vision Computing . Vol. 27( 7 ), pp. 887-896 . Elsevier.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Pizlo, Zygmunt and Ion, Adrian},
  title = {Approximative Graph Pyramid Solution of the E-TSP},
  journal = { Image and Vision Computing },
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {27},
  number = { 7 },
  pages = {887--896 },
  url = {}
Iglesias-Ham M, Kropatsch WG, Gonzalez-Diaz R and Ion A (2009), "Object Classification by Topology of Convex Deficiencies", In 2nd Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC). St. Kathrein/Offenegg, Austria, August, 2009. , pp. 75-82. PRIP, TU Wien.
  author = {Iglesias-Ham, Mabel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio and Ion, Adrian},
  title = {Object Classification by Topology of Convex Deficiencies},
  booktitle = {2nd Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC)},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {75--82},
  note = {ISBN: 978-3-200-01582-1},
  url = {}
Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2009), "A Coordinate System for Articulated 2D Shape Point Correspondences" Eibiswald, Austria, February, 2009.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {A Coordinate System for Articulated 2D Shape Point Correspondences},
  year = {2009},
  note = {14. CVWW, Febr.4-6, 2009},
  url = {}
(2009), "Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2009" Eibiswald, Austria, February, 2009. PRIP, TU Wien.
  editor = {Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2009},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2009},
  note = {ISBN 978-3-200-01390-2}
Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2009), "An Improved Coordinate System for Point
Correspondences of 2D Articulated Shapes"
, In Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Montreal, Canada Vol. 5810, pp. 92-103. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Srecko Brlek and Xavier Provençal and
Christophe Reutenauer}, title = {An Improved Coordinate System for Point
Correspondences of 2D Articulated Shapes}, booktitle = {Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2009}, volume = {5810}, pages = {92--103}, url = {} }
Kropatsch WG and Molina-Abril H (2009), "Open Issues and Chances for Topological Pyramids", In Proceedings of the 14th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Eibiswald, Austria, February, 2009. , pp. 121-125. PRIP, TU Wien.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Molina-Abril, Helena},
  editor = {A. Ion and W.G. Kropatsch},
  title = {Open Issues and Chances for Topological Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {121--125},
  note = {ISBN 978-3-200-01390-2},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG (2009), "When Pyramids Learned Walking", In The 14th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009. Berlin Heidelberg, November, 2009. Vol. 5856, pp. 397-414. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Jan Olof Eklundh},
  title = {When Pyramids Learned Walking},
  booktitle = {The 14th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {5856},
  pages = {397--414},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG (2009), "We are Building a Topological Pyramid", In The 14th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009., September, 2009.
  author = { Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {We are Building a Topological Pyramid},
  booktitle = {The 14th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009},
  year = {2009},
  note = { invited Tutorial }
(2009), "Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC)" St. Kathrein/Offenegg, Austria, August, 2009. PRIP, TU Wien.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Molina-Habril, Helena and Ion, Adrian},
  title = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Topology in Image Context (CTIC)},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2009},
  note = {ISBN: 978-3-200-01582-1}
Mateos LA, Shao D and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Expanding Irregular Graph Pyramid for an Approaching Object", In The 14th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009. Berlin Heidelberg, November, 2009. Vol. 5856, pp. 885-891. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Mateos, Luis A. and Shao, Dan and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano, Jan Olof Eklundh},
  title = {Expanding Irregular Graph Pyramid for an Approaching Object},
  booktitle = {The 14th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2009},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {5856},
  pages = {885--891},
  url = {}
Peltier S, Ion A, Kropatsch WG, Damiand G and Haxhimusa Y (2009), "Directly computing the generators of image homology using graph pyramids", Image and Vision Computing . Vol. 27( 7 ), pp. 846-853 . Elsevier.
  author = {Peltier, Samuel and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Damiand, Guillaume and Haxhimusa, Yll },
  title = {Directly computing the generators of image homology using graph pyramids},
  journal = { Image and Vision Computing },
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {27},
  number = { 7 },
  pages = {846--853 },
  url = {}
Real P, Molina-Abril H and Kropatsch WG (2009), "Homological Tree-based Strategies for Image Analysis", In The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP). Berlin Heidelberg, September, 2009. Vol. 5702, pp. 326-333. Springer-Verlag.
  author = { Real, Pedro and Molina-Abril, Helena and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Jiang, Xiaoyi and Petkov, Nicolai },
  title = {Homological Tree-based Strategies for Image Analysis},
  booktitle = {The 13th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {5702},
  pages = {326--333},
  url = {}
Stubenschrott M, Kropatsch WG and Haxhimusa Y (2009), "Combining an Optical Flow Feature Detector with Graph-Based Segmentation", In Proceedings of the 14th Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Eibiswald, Austria, February, 2009. , pp. 91-98. PRIP, TU Wien.
  author = {Stubenschrott, Martin and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll},
  editor = {A. Ion and W.G. Kropatsch},
  title = {Combining an Optical Flow Feature Detector with Graph-Based Segmentation},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {91--98},
  note = {ISBN 978-3-200-01390-2},
  url = {}
Artner NM, López Mármol SB, Beleznai C and Kropatsch WG (2008), "Kernel-based Tracking Using Spatial Structure", In Challenges in the Biosciences: Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition Aspects. Proceedings of 32nd OEAGM Workshop. Linz, Austria , pp. 103-114. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Artner, Nicole M. and López Mármol, Salvador B. and Beleznai, Csaba and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Arjan Kuipers, Bettina Heise, Leila Muresan},
  title = {Kernel-based Tracking Using Spatial Structure},
  booktitle = {Challenges in the Biosciences: Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition Aspects. Proceedings of 32nd OEAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {103--114},
  note = {Band~232},
  url = {}
Artner NM, López Mármol SB, Beleznai C and Kropatsch WG (2008), "Tracking by Hierarchical Representation of Target
, In Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition. , pp. 441-450. Springer.
  author = {Artner, Nicole M. and
López Mármol, Salvador B. and
Beleznai, Csaba and Kropatsch, Walter G. }, editor = {Niels da Vitoria Lobo and Takis Kasparis and
Fabio Roli and James T. Kwok and
Michael Georgiopoulos and Georgios C. Anagnostopoulos and
Marco Loog}, title = {Tracking by Hierarchical Representation of Target
Structure}, booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2008}, pages = {441--450}, url = {} }
Gonzalez-Diaz R, Iglesias-Ham M, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2008), "Irregular Graph Pyramids, Integral Operators and Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators", In Workshop Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC 2008. Poitiers, France, June, 2008. Universit'e de Poitiers.
  author = { Gonzalez-Diaz, Rocio and Iglesias-Ham, Mabel and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Sylvie Alayranges and Guillaume Damiand and Laurent Fuchs and Pascal Lienhardt},
  title = {Irregular Graph Pyramids, Integral Operators and Representative Cocycles of Cohomology Generators},
  booktitle = {Workshop Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC 2008},
  publisher = {Universit'e de Poitiers},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Hassan T, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2008), "A Demonstration for the Smart Room" ( PRIP-TR-119 )
  author = { Hassan, Tamir and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {A Demonstration for the Smart Room},
  year = {2008},
  number = { PRIP-TR-119 },
  url = {}
Iglesias Ham M, Ion A, Kropatsch WG and García EB (2008), "Delineating Homology Generators in Graph Pyramids", In Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and
Applications. Havanna, Cuba , pp. 576-584. Springer.
  author = {Iglesias Ham, Mabel and Ion, Adrian and 
Kropatsch, Walter G. and García, Edel B. }, editor = {José Shulcloper and Walter G. Kropatsch}, title = {Delineating Homology Generators in Graph Pyramids}, booktitle = {Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and
Applications}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2008}, pages = {576--584}, url = {} }
Ion A, Kropatsch WG and Andres E (2008), "Euclidean Eccentricity Transform by Discrete Arc Paving", In Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Lyon, France Vol. 4992, pp. 213-224. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Andres, Eric},
  editor = {Coeurjolly, David and Sivignon, Isabelle},
  title = {Euclidean Eccentricity Transform by Discrete Arc Paving},
  booktitle = {Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {4992},
  pages = {213--224},
  url = {}
Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2008), "Mapping a Coordinate System to a Non-rigid Shape", In Challenges in the Biosciences: Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition Aspects. Proceedings of 32nd OEAGM Workshop. Linz, Austria , pp. 169-178. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Arjan Kuipers, Bettina Heise, Leila Muresan},
  title = {Mapping a Coordinate System to a Non-rigid Shape},
  booktitle = {Challenges in the Biosciences: Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition Aspects. Proceedings of 32nd OEAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {169--178},
  note = {Band~232},
  url = {}
Ion A, Peltier S, Alayranges S and Kropatsch WG (2008), "Eccentricity based Topological Feature Extraction", In Workshop Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC 2008. Poitiers, France, June, 2008. Universit'e de Poitiers.
  author = { Ion, Adrian and Peltier, Samuel and Alayranges, Sylvie and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Sylvie Alayranges and Guillaume Damiand and Laurent Fuchs and Pascal Lienhardt},
  title = {Eccentricity based Topological Feature Extraction},
  booktitle = {Workshop Computational Topology in Image Context, CTIC 2008},
  publisher = {Universit'e de Poitiers},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Ion A, Artner N, Peyré G, Lopez Marmol SB, Kropatsch WG and Cohen L (2008), "3D Shape Matching by Geodesic Eccentricity", In Proceedings of Workshop on Search in 3D (S3D) . Anchorage, Alaska , pp. Paper 083. IEEE.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Artner, Nicole and Peyré, Gabriel and Lopez Marmol, Salvador B. and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Cohen, Laurent },
  editor = {Anup Basu},
  title = {3D Shape Matching by Geodesic Eccentricity},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on Search in 3D (S3D) },
  publisher = {IEEE},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {Paper 083},
  url = {}
Ion A, Haxhimusa Y, Kropatsch WG and López Mármol SB (2008), "A Coordinate System for Articulated 2D Shape Point Correspondences", In 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. , pp. TuAT9.27. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G. and López Mármol, Salvador B.},
  editor = {Rangachar Kasturi},
  title = {A Coordinate System for Articulated 2D Shape Point Correspondences},
  booktitle = {19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {TuAT9.27},
  url = {}
López Mármol SB, Artner NM, Iglesias M, Kropatsch WG, Clabian M and Burger W (2008), "Improving Tracking Using Structure", In Proceedings of the 13th. Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Moravske Toplice, Slovenia, February, 2008. , pp. 69-78. Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society.
  author = {López Mármol, Salvador B. and Artner, Nicole M. and Iglesias, Mabel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Clabian, Markus and Burger, Wilhelm},
  editor = {Janez Perš},
  title = {Improving Tracking Using Structure},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th. Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {69--78},
  url = {}
López Mármol SB, Artner N, Ion A, Kropatsch WG and Beleznai C (2008), "Video Object Segmentation Using Graphs", In Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and
Applications. Havanna, Cuba , pp. 733-740. Springer.
  author = {López Mármol, Salvador B. and Artner, Nicole and
Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Beleznai, Csaba }, editor = {José Shulcloper and Walter G. Kropatsch}, title = {Video Object Segmentation Using Graphs}, booktitle = {Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and
Applications}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2008}, pages = {733--740}, url = {} }
Pinz A, Bischof H, Kropatsch WG, Schweighofer G, Haxhimusa Y, Opelt A and Ion A (2008), "Representations for Cognitive Vision:
A Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal,
and Graph-Based Approaches"
, Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Images Analysis., , 2008. Vol. 7(2), pp. 35-61.
  author = {Pinz, Axel and Bischof, Horst and 
Kropatsch, Walter G. and Schweighofer, Gerald and
Haxhimusa, Yll and Opelt, Andreas and
Ion, Adrian}, title = {Representations for Cognitive Vision:
A Review of Appearance-Based, Spatio-Temporal,
and Graph-Based Approaches}, journal = { Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Images Analysis}, year = {2008}, volume = {7}, number = {2}, pages = {35--61}, url = {} }
(2008), "Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications. 13th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2008" Havanna, Cuba, September, 2008. Vol. LNCS 5197 Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  editor = {Ruiz-Shulclopper, José and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications. 13th International Congress on Pattern Recognition, CIARP 2008},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {LNCS 5197}
Haxhimusa Y, Kropatsch WG, Pizlo Z, Ion A and Lehrbaum A (2007), "Approximating TSP Solution by MST Based Graph Pyramid", In Proceedings of the 6th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop, GbRPR 2007, on Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. Berlin Heidelberg, June, 2007. Vol. 4538, pp. 295-306. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Pizlo, Zygmunt and Ion, Adrian and Lehrbaum, Andreas},
  editor = {Escolano, Francisco and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Approximating TSP Solution by MST Based Graph Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop, GbRPR 2007, on Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {4538},
  pages = {295--306},
  url = {}
Hubmer A, Ion A, Kropatsch WG, Haxhimusa Y and Hausegger H (2007), "How Humans Describe Short Videos - Details of an Experiment", July, 2007. ( PRIP-TR-113 )
  author = { Hubmer, Andreas and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Hausegger, Hubert},
  title = {How Humans Describe Short Videos - Details of an Experiment},
  year = {2007},
  number = { PRIP-TR-113 },
  url = {}
Ion A, Illetschko T, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2007), "Distinguishing 3D-Topological Configurations of Two Tori", In 8th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2006). Timisoara, Romania , pp. 111-118. IEEE Computer Society.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Illetschko, Thomas and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Viorel Negru and Dana Petcu and Daniela Zaharie and Ajith Abraham and Bruno Buchberger and Alexandru Cicortas and Dorian Gorgan and Joël Quinqueton},
  title = {Distinguishing 3D-Topological Configurations of Two Tori},
  booktitle = {8th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC 2006)},
  publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {111--118},
  url = {}
Ion A, Peltier S, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2007), "Decomposition for Efficient Eccentricity Transform of Convex Shapes", In The 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP07). Vienna, Austria, August, 2007. Vol. LNCS 4673, pp. 653-660. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Peltier, Samuel and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {W. Kropatsch, M. Kampel, A. Hanbury},
  title = {Decomposition for Efficient Eccentricity Transform of Convex Shapes},
  booktitle = {The 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP07)},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {LNCS 4673},
  pages = {653--660},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG, Haxhimusa Y and Ion A (2007), "Multiresolution Image Segmentations in Graph Pyramids", In Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. Vol. 52, pp. 3-41 . Springer Wien New York .
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Ion, Adrian},
  editor = {Kandel, Abraham and Bunke, Horst and Last, Mark },
  title = {Multiresolution Image Segmentations in Graph Pyramids},
  booktitle = { Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = { Springer Wien New York },
  year = {2007},
  volume = {52},
  pages = { 3--41 },
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG, Ion A and Peltier S (2007), "Computing the Eccentricity Transform of a Polygonal Shape", In Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications. Viña del Mar-Valparaiso, Chile, 13-16, November, 2007. Vol. LNCS 4756, pp. 291-300. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Kropatsch,Walter G. and Ion, Adrian and Peltier, Samuel},
  editor = {Rueda, Luis and Mery, Domingo and Kittler, Josef},
  title = {Computing the Eccentricity Transform of a Polygonal Shape},
  booktitle = {Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {LNCS 4756},
  pages = {291--300},
  url = {}
(2007), "The 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP07)" Vienna, Austria, August, 2007. Vol. LNCS 4673 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Kampel, Martin and Hanbury, Allan },
  title = {The 12th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP07)},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {LNCS 4673}
Peltier S, Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2007), "Controlling Geometry of Homology Generators", In Proceedings of the 12th. Computer Vision Winter Workshop. St.Lambrecht, Austria, February, 2007. , pp. 115-121. Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz.
  author = {Peltier, Samuel and Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Michael Grabner and Helmut Grabner},
  title = {Controlling Geometry of Homology Generators},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th. Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {115--121},
  url = {}
Peltier S, Ion A, Haxhimusa Y, Kropatsch WG and Damiand G (2007), "Computing Homology Group Generators of Images Using Irregular Graph Pyramids", In Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. Berlin Heidelberg, June, 2007. Vol. 4538, pp. 283-294. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {Peltier, Samuel and Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Damiand, Guillaume},
  editor = {Escolano, Francisco and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Computing Homology Group Generators of Images Using Irregular Graph Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {4538},
  pages = {283--294},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2006), "Contains and Inside Relationships within
Combinatorial Pyramids"
, Pattern Recognition. Vol. Vol.~39(4), pp. 515-526. Elsevier.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Contains and Inside Relationships within 
Combinatorial Pyramids}, journal = {Pattern Recognition}, publisher = {Elsevier}, year = {2006}, volume = {Vol.~39}, number = {4}, pages = {515--526}, url = {} }
Haxhimusa Y, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2006), "Comparing Hierarchies of Segmentations: Humans, Nomalized Cut, and Minimum Spanning Tree", In Proceedings of 30th OEAGM Workshop. Obergurgl, Austria , pp. 95-103. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Frank Lenzen and Otmar Scherzer and Markus Vincze},
  title = {Comparing Hierarchies of Segmentations: Humans, Nomalized Cut, and Minimum Spanning Tree},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 30th OEAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {95--103},
  note = {Band~209},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2006), "Evaluating Hierarchical Graph-based Segmentation", In 18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. II, pp. 195-198. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Y. Y. Tang, P. Wang, G. Lorette and Yeung, Daniel},
  title = {Evaluating Hierarchical Graph-based Segmentation},
  booktitle = {18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {II},
  pages = {195--198},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Ion A and Kropatsch WG (2006), "Irregular Pyramid Segmentations with Stochastic Graph Decimation Strategies", In Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications. Cancun, Mexico, 14-17, November, 2006. Vol. LNCS 4225, pp. 277-286. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Martínez-Trinidad, José Francisco and Carrasco Ochoa, Jesús Ariel and Kittler, Josef},
  title = {Irregular Pyramid Segmentations with Stochastic Graph Decimation Strategies},
  booktitle = {Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {LNCS 4225},
  pages = {277--286},
  url = {}
Illetschko T, Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2006), "Collapsing 3D Combinatorial Maps", In Proceedings of 30th OEAGM Workshop. Obergurgl, Austria , pp. 85-93. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Illetschko, Thomas and Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Frank Lenzen and Otmar Scherzer and Markus Vincze},
  title = {Collapsing 3D Combinatorial Maps},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 30th OEAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {85--93},
  note = {Band~209},
  url = {}
Illetschko T, Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2006), "Distinguishing the 3 Primitive 3D-Topological Configurations: Simplex, Hole, Tunnel", In Proceedings of the 11th. Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Telč, Czech Republic, February, 2006. , pp. 22-27. Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics.
  author = {Illetschko, Thomas and Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Ondřej Chum and Vojtěch Franc},
  title = {Distinguishing the 3 Primitive 3D-Topological Configurations: Simplex, Hole, Tunnel},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th. Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {22--27},
  url = {}
Ion A, Kropatsch WG and Haxhimusa Y (2006), "Considerations regarding the minimum spanning
tree pyramid segmentation method"
, In Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical
Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR
International Workshops on SSPR 2006 and SPR 2006. Hong Kong, 17-19, August, 2006. Vol. LNCS 4109, pp. 182-190. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and
Kropatsch,Walter G. and
Haxhimusa, Yll }, editor = {Yeung, Dit-Yan and Kwok, James T. and
Fred, Ana and Roli, Fabio and Ridder, Dick de}, title = {Considerations regarding the minimum spanning
tree pyramid segmentation method}, booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical
Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR
International Workshops on SSPR 2006 and SPR 2006}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York}, year = {2006}, volume = {LNCS 4109}, pages = {182--190}, url = {} }
Ion A, Hausegger H, Kropatsch WG and Haxhimusa Y (2006), "How Humans Describe Short Videos", In International Cognitive Vision Workshop. Graz, A, 13, May, 2006.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and
Hausegger, Hubert and
Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Haxhimusa, Yll }, title = {How Humans Describe Short Videos}, booktitle = {International Cognitive Vision Workshop}, year = {2006}, url = {} }
Ion A, Peyré G, Haxhimusa Y, Peltier S, Kropatsch WG and Cohen L (2006), "Shape Matching Using the Geodesic Eccentricity Transform - A Study", In Proceedings of 31st OEAGM Workshop. Krumbach, Austria , pp. 97-104. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Peyré, Gabriel and Haxhimusa, Yll and Peltier, Samuel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Cohen, Laurent},
  editor = {Wolfgang Ponweiser and Markus Vincze},
  title = {Shape Matching Using the Geodesic Eccentricity Transform - A Study},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of 31st OEAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {97--104},
  note = {Band~224},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG, Haxhimusa Y and Lienhardt P (2006), "Hierarchies Relating Topology and Geometry", In Cognitive Vision Systems: Sampling the Spectrum of Approaches. Dagstuhl, September, 2006. Vol. 3948, pp. 199-220. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Lienhardt, Pascal},
  editor = {Christensen, Henrik I. and Nagel, Hans-Hellmuth},
  title = {Hierarchies Relating Topology and Geometry},
  booktitle = {Cognitive Vision Systems: Sampling the Spectrum of Approaches},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {3948},
  pages = {199--220},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG, Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Flanitzer T (2006), "The Eccentricity Transform
(of a Digital Shape)"
, In Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Szeged, Hungary Vol. 4245, pp. 437-448. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Kropatsch,Walter G. and
Ion, Adrian and
Haxhimusa, Yll and
Flanitzer, Thomas}, editor = {Kuba, Attila and
Nyúl, L.G. and Palágyi, K.}, title = {The Eccentricity Transform
(of a Digital Shape)}, booktitle = {Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2006}, volume = {4245}, pages = {437--448}, url = {} }
Peltier S, Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2006), "Computing Homology Group Generators of Images Using Irregular Graph Pyramids", December, 2006. ( PRIP-TR-111 )
  author = { Peltier, Samuel and Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Computing Homology Group Generators of Images Using Irregular Graph Pyramids},
  year = {2006},
  number = { PRIP-TR-111 },
  url = {}
Pizlo Z, Stefanov E, Saalweachter J, Li Z, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2006), "Traveling Salesman Problem:
a Foveating Model"
, The Journal of Problem Solving. Vol. Vol.~1(1), pp. 83-101. Purdue University.
  author = {Pizlo, Zygmunt and 
Stefanov, Emil and
Saalweachter, John and
Li, Zheng and
Haxhimusa, Yll and
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {Traveling Salesman Problem:
a Foveating Model}, journal = {The Journal of Problem Solving}, publisher = {Purdue University}, year = {2006}, volume = {Vol.~1}, number = {1}, pages = {83--101}, url = {} }
Beleznai C, Frühstück B, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2005), "Model-Based Occlusion Handling for Tracking in Crowded Scenes", In Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 5th KÉPAF and 29th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 227-234. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Beleznai, Csaba and Frühstück, Bernhard and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Chetverikov, Dmitry and Czúni, László and Vincze, Markus},
  title = {Model-Based Occlusion Handling for Tracking in Crowded Scenes},
  booktitle = {Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 5th KÉPAF and 29th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2005},
  pages = {227--234},
  note = {Band~192},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2005), "Inside and Outside within Combinatorial Pyramids", In 5th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition. Poitiers, F, April, 2005. Vol. 3434, pp. 122-131. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Brun, Luc and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Inside and Outside within Combinatorial Pyramids},
  booktitle = {5th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {3434},
  pages = {122--131},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Ion A, Kropatsch WG and Brun L (2005), "Hierarchical Image Partitioning using Combinatorial Maps", In Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 5th KÉPAF and 29th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 179-186. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Brun, Luc},
  editor = {Chetverikov, Dmitry and Czúni, László and Vincze, Markus},
  title = {Hierarchical Image Partitioning using Combinatorial Maps},
  booktitle = {Joint Hungarian-Austrian Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 5th KÉPAF and 29th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {2005},
  pages = {179--186},
  note = {Band~192},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Ion A, Kropatsch WG and Illetschko T (2005), "Evaluating Minimum Spanning Tree Based Segmentation Algorithms", In Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 11th International Conference, CAIP 2005. Versailles, France Vol. Vol.~3691, pp. 579-586. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Ion, Adrian and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Illetschko, Thomas},
  editor = {Gagalowicz, André and Philips, Wilfried },
  title = {Evaluating Minimum Spanning Tree Based Segmentation Algorithms},
  booktitle = {Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 11th International Conference, CAIP 2005},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {Vol.~3691},
  pages = {579--586},
  url = {}
Ion A, Haxhimusa Y, Kropatsch WG and Brun L (2005), "Hierarchical Image Partitioning using Combinatorial Maps", In 10th Computer Vision Winter Workshop - CVWW 2005. Wien, Graz, Austria, February, 2005. , pp. pp.~43-52. PRIP TU Wien and ICG TU Graz.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Brun, Luc},
  editor = {Hanbury, Allan and Bischof, Horst},
  title = {Hierarchical Image Partitioning using Combinatorial Maps},
  booktitle = {10th Computer Vision Winter Workshop - CVWW 2005},
  publisher = {PRIP TU Wien and ICG TU Graz},
  year = {2005},
  pages = {pp.~43--52},
  url = {}
Ion A, Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2005), "A Graph-Based Concept for Spatiotemporal Information in Cognitive Vision", In 5th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition. Poitiers, F, April, 2005. Vol. 3434, pp. 223-232. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Ion, Adrian and Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Brun, Luc and Vento, Mario},
  title = {A Graph-Based Concept for Spatiotemporal Information in Cognitive Vision},
  booktitle = {5th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {3434},
  pages = {223--232},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG, Haxhimusa Y, Pizlo Z and Langs G (2005), "Vision Pyramids that do not Grow too High", Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. Vol.~26 (3), pp. 319-337. Elsevier.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll and Pizlo, Zygmunt and Langs, Georg},
  title = {Vision Pyramids that do not Grow too High},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {Vol.~26 },
  number = {3},
  pages = {319--337},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG, Haxhimusa Y and Pizlo Z (2005), "Integral Trees: Subtree Depth and Diameter" (PRIP-TR-092)
Abstract: Regions in an image graph can be described by their
spanning tree. A graph pyramid is a stack of image
graphs at different granularities. Integral features
capture important properties of these regions and
the associated trees. We compute the depth of a
rooted tree, its diameter and the center which
becomes the root in the top-down decomposition of a
region. The integral tree is an intermediate
representation labeling each vertex of the tree with
the integral feature(s) of the subtree. Parallel
algorithms efficiently compute the integral trees
for subtree depth and diameter enabling local
decisions with global validity in subsequent
top-down processes.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll and 
Pizlo, Zygmunt}, title = {Integral Trees: Subtree Depth and Diameter}, year = {2005}, number = {PRIP-TR-092}, url = {} }
Kropatsch WG and Haxhimusa Y (2005), "Grouping of Non-connected Structures by an
Irregular Graph Pyramid"
, In Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis:
Second Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2005, Part II. Estoril, Portugal Vol. 3523, pp. 107-114. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Kropatsch,Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll},
  editor = {Marques, Jorge S. and
Pérez de la Blanca, Nicolás and
Pina, Pedro }, title = {Grouping of Non-connected Structures by an
Irregular Graph Pyramid}, booktitle = {Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis:
Second Iberian Conference, IbPRIA 2005, Part II}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2005}, volume = {3523}, pages = {107--114}, url = {} }
(2005), "Pattern Recognition: 27th DAGM Symposium" Wien, Austria Vol. Vol.~3663 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Sablatnig, Robert and Hanbury, Allan },
  title = {Pattern Recognition: 27th DAGM Symposium},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {Vol.~3663},
  note = {ISBN 3-540-28703-5}
Alefs B, Clabian M, Bischof H, Kropatsch WG and Khairallah F (2004), "Robust Occupancy Detection from Stereo
, In IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. , pp. -. IEEE CS.
  author = {Alefs, Bram and Clabian, Markus and
Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Khairallah, Farid}, editor = {Kostek, Paul}, title = {Robust Occupancy Detection from Stereo
Images}, booktitle = {IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems}, publisher = {IEEE CS}, year = {2004}, pages = {--}, url = {} }
Beleznai C, Frühstück B, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2004), "Detecting Humans in Groups using a Fast Mean Shift Procedure", In Digital Imaging in Media and Education, 28th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 71-78. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Beleznai, Csaba and Frühstück, B. and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Burger, Wilhelm and Scharinger, Josef},
  title = {Detecting Humans in Groups using a Fast Mean Shift Procedure},
  booktitle = {Digital Imaging in Media and Education, 28th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {71--78},
  note = {Band~179}
Glantz R, Pellilo M and Kropatsch WG (2004), "MATCHING SEGMENTATION HIERARCHIES", International Journal for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. Vol. 18 (3), pp. 397-424. World Scientific Publishing.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Pellilo, Marcello and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  journal = {International Journal for Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence},
  publisher = {World Scientific Publishing},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {18 },
  number = {3},
  pages = {397--424}
Hanbury A, Marchadier J and Kropatsch WG (2004), "The Redundancy Pyramid and its Application to Image Segmentation", In Digital Imaging in Media and Education, 28th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 157-164. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Hanbury, Allan and Marchadier, Jocelyn and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Burger, Wilhelm and Scharinger, Josef},
  title = {The Redundancy Pyramid and its Application to Image Segmentation},
  booktitle = {Digital Imaging in Media and Education, 28th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {157--164},
  note = {Band~179},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2004), "Segmentation Graph Hierarchies", In Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops on SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004. Lisbon, Portugal, August, 2004. Vol. LNCS 3138, pp. 343-351. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Fred, Ana and Terry Caelli and Robert P.W. Duin and Aurelio Campilho and Dick de Ridder},
  title = {Segmentation Graph Hierarchies},
  booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops on SSPR 2004 and SPR 2004},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {LNCS 3138},
  pages = {343--351},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG and Haxhimusa Y (2004), "Grouping and Segmentation in a Hierarchy of Graphs", In Computational Imaging II. Bellingham, WA, January, 2004. Vol. 5299, pp. 193-204. SPIE.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll},
  editor = {Bouman, Charles A. and Miller, Eric L.},
  title = {Grouping and Segmentation in a Hierarchy of Graphs},
  booktitle = {Computational Imaging II},
  publisher = {SPIE},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {5299},
  pages = {193--204},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG and Haxhimusa Y (2004), "Hierarchical Grouping of Non-connected Structures", In Digital Imaging in Media and Education, 28th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 165-172. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll},
  editor = {Burger, Wilhelm and Scharinger, Josef},
  title = {Hierarchical Grouping of Non-connected Structures},
  booktitle = {Digital Imaging in Media and Education, 28th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {165--172},
  note = {Band~179},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG, Haxhimusa Y and Pizlo Z (2004), "Integral Trees: Subtree Depth and Diameter", In IWCIA 2004. Berlin Heidelberg Vol. LNCS 3322, pp. 77-87. Springer-Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Haxhimusa, Yll and
Pizlo, Zygmunt}, editor = {Klette, Reinhard and Žunić, J.}, title = {Integral Trees: Subtree Depth and Diameter}, booktitle = {IWCIA 2004}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, year = {2004}, volume = {LNCS 3322}, pages = {77--87}, url = {} }
Marchadier J, Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2004), "Rooted Kernels and Labeled Combinatorial Pyramids", In Computer Vision - CVWW'04. Ljubljana, Slovenija, February, 2004. , pp. pp.~59-68. Slovenien Pattern Recognition Society.
  author = {Marchadier, Jocelyn and Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Skočaj, Danijel},
  title = {Rooted Kernels and Labeled Combinatorial Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision - CVWW'04},
  publisher = {Slovenien Pattern Recognition Society},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {pp.~59--68},
  url = {}
Marchadier J, Kropatsch WG and Hanbury A (2004), "The Redundancy Pyramid and its Application to Segmentation on an Image Sequence", In DAGM Symposium 2004. Tübingen, Germany, September, 2004. Vol. LNCS 3175, pp. 432-439. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Marchadier, Jocelyn and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Hanbury, Allan},
  editor = {Rasmussen, Carl Edward and Bülthoff, Heinrich H. and Giese, Martin A. and Schölkopf, Bernhard},
  title = {The Redundancy Pyramid and its Application to Segmentation on an Image Sequence},
  booktitle = {DAGM Symposium 2004},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {LNCS 3175},
  pages = {432--439},
  url = {}
Ölz W and Kropatsch WG (2004), "Graph Representation of Fingerprint Topology", In Computer Vision - CVWW'04. Ljubljana, Slovenija, February, 2004. , pp. pp.~51-58. Slovenien Pattern Recognition Society.
  author = {Ölz, Werner and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Skočaj, Danijel},
  title = {Graph Representation of Fingerprint Topology},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision - CVWW'04},
  publisher = {Slovenien Pattern Recognition Society},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {pp.~51--58},
  url = {}
Alefs BG, Clabian M, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Robust Head Detection Based on Feature Grouping in Depth Slices", In Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 275-282. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Alefs, Bram G. and Clabian, Markus and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas},
  title = {Robust Head Detection Based on Feature Grouping in Depth Slices},
  booktitle = {Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {275--282},
  note = {Band~168},
  url = {}
Beleznai C, Schlögl T, Ramoser H, Winter M, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Quantitative Evaluation of Motion Detection Algorithms for Surveillance Applications", In Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 205-212. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas and Ramoser, Herbert and Winter, Martin and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas},
  title = {Quantitative Evaluation of Motion Detection Algorithms for Surveillance Applications},
  booktitle = {Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {205--212},
  note = {Band~168},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Receptive Fields within the Combinatorial Pyramid Framework", Graphical Models. Vol. Vol.~65, pp. 23-42. Academic Press.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  title = {Receptive Fields within the Combinatorial Pyramid Framework},
  journal = {Graphical Models},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {Vol.~65},
  pages = {23--42},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Contraction Kernels and Combinatorial Maps", Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. Vol.~24 (8), pp. 1051-1057. Elsevier.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Contraction Kernels and Combinatorial Maps},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {Vol.~24 },
  number = {8},
  pages = {1051--1057},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Implicite Encoding of Combinatorial Pyramids", In Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2003. Valtice, Czech Republic, February, 2003. , pp. pp.~49-54. Czech Pattern Recognition Society.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Drbohlav, Ondrej},
  title = {Implicite Encoding of Combinatorial Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2003},
  publisher = {Czech Pattern Recognition Society},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {pp.~49--54},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Construction of Combinatorial Pyramids", In 4th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition. York, UK, June, 2003. Vol. 2726, pp. 1-12. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Hancock, Edwin and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Construction of Combinatorial Pyramids},
  booktitle = {4th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {2726},
  pages = {1--12},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Combinatorial Pyramids", In Intl. conference on image processing, ICIP2003., September, 2003. Vol. II, pp. 33-37. IEEE.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Suvisoft },
  title = {Combinatorial Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Intl. conference on image processing, ICIP2003},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {II},
  pages = {33--37},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Labeled Pyramids with Combinatorial Maps" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-82)
  author = {Brun, Luc and 
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {Labeled Pyramids with Combinatorial Maps}, year = {2003}, number = {PRIP-TR-82}, url = {} }
Glantz R, Pellilo M and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Hierarchical MATCHING of Panoramic Images", In 12th Intl.Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP2003) . Mantova, I , pp. 328-333.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Pellilo, Marcello and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Marco Ferretti },
  title = {Hierarchical MATCHING of Panoramic Images},
  booktitle = {12th Intl.Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP2003) },
  year = {2003},
  pages = {328--333},
  url = {}
Hanbury A and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Colour Statistics for Matching in Image Databases", In Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 221-228. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Hanbury, Allan and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas},
  title = {Colour Statistics for Matching in Image Databases},
  booktitle = {Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {221--228},
  note = {Band~168},
  url = {}
Hanbury A and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Colour Statistics for Matching in Image Databases", In Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 221-228. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Hanbury, Allan and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas},
  title = {Colour Statistics for Matching in Image Databases},
  booktitle = {Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {221--228},
  note = {Band~168},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Image Partitioning with Graph Pyramids", In Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 81-88. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas},
  title = {Image Partitioning with Graph Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {81--88},
  note = {Band~168},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Glantz R and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Constructing Stochastic Pyramids by MIDES - Maximal Independent Directed Edge Set", In 4th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition. York, UK, June, 2003. Vol. 2726, pp. 24-34. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Glantz, Roland and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Hancock, Edwin and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Constructing Stochastic Pyramids by MIDES - Maximal Independent Directed Edge Set},
  booktitle = {4th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {2726},
  pages = {24--34},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Hierarchy of Partitions with Dual Graph Contraction", In DAGM 2003, 25th DAGM Symposium. Magdeburg, Germany, September, 2003. Vol. 2781, pp. 338-345. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Michaelis, E. and Krell, G.},
  title = {Hierarchy of Partitions with Dual Graph Contraction},
  booktitle = {DAGM 2003, 25th DAGM Symposium},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {2781},
  pages = {338--345},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Experimental Results of MIS, MIES, MIDES and D3P" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-78)
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Experimental Results of MIS, MIES, MIDES and D3P},
  year = {2003},
  number = {PRIP-TR-78},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Hierarchical Image Partitioning with Dual
Graph Contraction"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-81)
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and 
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {Hierarchical Image Partitioning with Dual
Graph Contraction}, year = {2003}, number = {PRIP-TR-81}, url = {} }
Kropatsch WG (2003), "Benchmarking Graph Matching Algorithms - A Complementary View", Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. Vol.~24 (8) Elsevier.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Benchmarking Graph Matching Algorithms - A Complementary View},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  publisher = {Elsevier},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {Vol.~24 },
  number = {8},
  note = { B6V15-46YXNBH-7/2/56f49077277cdcab9921c07b091d1ca3},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG (2003), "Vision by Graph Pyramids", In Sensors and Sensing in Biology and Engineering . , pp. 275-287 . Springer Wien New York .
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Barth, Friedrich G. and Humphrey, Joseph A.C. and Secomb, Timothy W. },
  title = {Vision by Graph Pyramids},
  booktitle = { Sensors and Sensing in Biology and Engineering },
  publisher = { Springer Wien New York },
  year = {2003},
  pages = { 275--287 },
  url = {}
Marchadier J and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Extraction of Geometrical Features with Functional Models", In Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2003. Valtice, Czech Republic, February, 2003. , pp. pp.~141-152. Czech Pattern Recognition Society.
  author = {Marchadier, Jocelyn and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Drbohlav, Ondrej},
  title = {Extraction of Geometrical Features with Functional Models},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision Winter Workshop 2003},
  publisher = {Czech Pattern Recognition Society},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {pp.~141--152},
  url = {}
Marchadier J and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Extraction of Curve Segments and Junctions by Graph-based Optimisation", In Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 189-196. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Marchadier, Jocelyn and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas},
  title = {Extraction of Curve Segments and Junctions by Graph-based Optimisation},
  booktitle = {Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {189--196},
  note = {Band~168},
  url = {}
Marchadier J and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Functional Modeling of Structured Images", In 4th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition. York, UK, June, 2003. Vol. 2726, pp. 35-46. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Marchadier, Jocelyn and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Hancock, Edwin and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Functional Modeling of Structured Images},
  booktitle = {4th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {2726},
  pages = {35--46},
  url = {}
Marchadier J, Kropatsch WG and Hanbury A (2003), "Homotopic Transformations of Combinatorial Maps", In Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Naples, Italy Vol. 2886, pp. 134-143. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Marchadier, Jocelyn and 
Kropatsch,Walter G. and
Hanbury, Allan}, editor = {Nyström, Ingela and Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella and
Svensson, Stina}, title = {Homotopic Transformations of Combinatorial Maps}, booktitle = {Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg}, year = {2003}, volume = {2886}, pages = {134--143}, url = {} }
Rötzer H, Choi I, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2003), "Head Tracking with a Condensation Algorithm for Close Range Surveillance Applications", In Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 149-156. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Rötzer, Harald and Choi, Ina and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas},
  title = {Head Tracking with a Condensation Algorithm for Close Range Surveillance Applications},
  booktitle = {Vision in a Dynamical World 27th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {149--156},
  note = {Band~168}
Beleznai C, Schlögl T, Wachmann B, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Tracking Multiple Objects in Complex Scenes", In Vision with Non-Traditional Sensors 26th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 175-181. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Beleznai, Csaba and Schlögl, Thomas and Wachmann, Bernd and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch,Walter G. },
  editor = {Leberl, Franz and Fraundorfer, Friedrich},
  title = {Tracking Multiple Objects in Complex Scenes},
  booktitle = {Vision with Non-Traditional Sensors 26th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {175--181},
  note = {Band~160},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Defining Regions within the Combinatorial Pyramid Framework", In Computer Vision - CVWW'02, Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Wien, Austria, February, 2002. , pp. pp.~198-207. PRIP, TU Wien.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Wildenauer, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Defining Regions within the Combinatorial Pyramid Framework},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision - CVWW'02, Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {pp.~198--207},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Receptive Fields within the Combinatorial Pyramid Framework", In Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 10th DGCI. Bordeaux, France Vol. Vol.~2301, pp. 92-101. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Braquelaire, Achille and Lachaud, Jacques-Olivier and Vialard, Anne},
  title = {Receptive Fields within the Combinatorial Pyramid Framework},
  booktitle = {Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, 10th DGCI},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2002},
  volume = {Vol.~2301},
  pages = {92--101},
  url = {}
Clabian M, Rötzer H, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Head Detection and Localization from Sparse 3D Data", In Pattern Recognition, 24th DAGM Symposium. Zurich, Switzerland, September, 2002. Vol. 2449, pp. 395-402. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Clabian, Markus and Rötzer, Harald and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Van Gool, Luc},
  title = {Head Detection and Localization from Sparse 3D Data},
  booktitle = {Pattern Recognition, 24th DAGM Symposium},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2002},
  volume = {2449},
  pages = {395--402},
  url = {}
Glantz R, Pelillo M and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Matching Hierarchies of Segmentations", In Computer Vision - CVWW'02, Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Wien, Austria, February, 2002. , pp. pp.~149-158. PRIP, TU Wien.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Pelillo, Marcello and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Wildenauer, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Matching Hierarchies of Segmentations},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision - CVWW'02, Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {pp.~149--158},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Glantz R, Saib M, Langs G and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Reduction Factors of Pyramids on Undirected and Directed Graphs", In Computer Vision - CVWW'02, Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Wien, Austria, February, 2002. , pp. pp.~29-38. PRIP, TU Wien.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Glantz, Roland and Saib, Maamar and Langs, Georg and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Wildenauer, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Reduction Factors of Pyramids on Undirected and Directed Graphs},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision - CVWW'02, Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {pp.~29--38},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Path Lengths in Stochastic Graph Image Pyramid", In Vision with Non-Traditional Sensors 26th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 79-86. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Leberl, Franz and Fraundorfer, Friedrich},
  title = {Path Lengths in Stochastic Graph Image Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Vision with Non-Traditional Sensors 26th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {79--86},
  note = {Band~160},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Glantz R, Saib M, Langs G and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Logarithmic Tapering Graph Pyramid", In Pattern Recognition, 24th DAGM Symposium. Zurich, Switzerland, September, 2002. Vol. 2449, pp. 117-124. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Glantz, Roland and Saib, Maamar and Langs, Georg and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Van Gool, Luc},
  title = {Logarithmic Tapering Graph Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Pattern Recognition, 24th DAGM Symposium},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2002},
  volume = {2449},
  pages = {117--124},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Reduction Factors of Pyramids on Undirected
and Directed Graphs"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-74)
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and 
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {Reduction Factors of Pyramids on Undirected
and Directed Graphs}, year = {2002}, number = {PRIP-TR-74}, url = {} }
Kropatsch WG, Saib M and Schreyer M (2002), "The Optimal Height of a Graph Pyramid", In Vision with Non-Traditional Sensors 26th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 87-94. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch,Walter G. and Saib, Maamar and Schreyer, Michael},
  editor = {Leberl, Franz and Fraundorfer, Friedrich},
  title = {The Optimal Height of a Graph Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Vision with Non-Traditional Sensors 26th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {87--94},
  note = {Band~160},
  url = {}
Langs G, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Hierarchical Top Down Enhancement of Robust PCA", In Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops on SSPR 2002 and SPR 2002. Windsor, Ontario, Canada, August, 2002. Vol. 2396, pp. 234-242. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg.
  author = {Langs, Georg and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Caelli, Terry and Amin, Adnan and Duin, Robert P.W. and Kamel, Mohamed and de Ridder, Dick},
  title = {Hierarchical Top Down Enhancement of Robust PCA},
  booktitle = {Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops on SSPR 2002 and SPR 2002},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg},
  year = {2002},
  volume = {2396},
  pages = {234--242},
  url = {}
Langs G, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2002), "Irregular Eigenimage Pyramids and Robust
Appearance- Based Object Recognition"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-67)
  author = {Langs, Georg and Bischof, Horst and
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {Irregular Eigenimage Pyramids and Robust
Appearance- Based Object Recognition}, year = {2002}, number = {PRIP-TR-67}, url = {} }
Schlögl T, Wachmann B, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2002), "People Counting In Complex Systems", In Vision with Non-Traditional Sensors 26th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 159-166. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Schlögl, Thomas and Wachmann, Bernd and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch,Walter G. },
  editor = {Leberl, Franz and Fraundorfer, Friedrich},
  title = {People Counting In Complex Systems},
  booktitle = {Vision with Non-Traditional Sensors 26th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {159--166},
  note = {Band~160},
  url = {}
(2002), "Computer Vision - CVWW'02, Computer Vision Winter Workshop" PRIP, TU Wien.
  editor = {Wildenauer, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Computer Vision - CVWW'02, Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {PRIP, TU Wien},
  year = {2002},
  url = {}
Beleznai C, Ramoser H, Wachmann B, Birchbauer J, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2001), "Memory-Efficient Fingerprint Verification", In Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing, ICIP2001. Thessaloniki, Gr. , pp. pp.463-466.
  author = {Beleznai, C. and
Ramoser, Herbert and
Wachmann, B. and
Birchbauer, J. and
Bischof, Horst and
Kropatsch, Walter G. }, editor = { }, title = {Memory-Efficient Fingerprint Verification}, booktitle = {Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Image
Processing, ICIP2001}, year = {2001}, pages = {pp.463--466}, url = {} }
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2001), "Contraction Kernels and Combinatorial Maps", In Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, GbR 2001. , pp. 12-21. CUEN.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Jolion, Jean-Michel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Contraction Kernels and Combinatorial Maps},
  booktitle = {Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, GbR 2001},
  publisher = {CUEN},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {12--21},
  note = {ISBN 88 7146 579-2},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2001), "Introduction to Combinatorial Pyramids", In Digital and Image Geometry . Berlin, Heidelberg Vol. Vol.~2243, pp. 108-128 . Springer .
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Bertrand, Gilles and
Imiya, Atsushi and Klette, Reinhard }, title = {Introduction to Combinatorial Pyramids}, booktitle = { Digital and Image Geometry }, publisher = { Springer }, year = {2001}, volume = {Vol.~2243}, pages = { 108--128 }, url = {} }
Glantz R and Kropatsch WG (2001), "Skeletons in the Framework of Graph Pyramids", In Visual Form 2001, 4th International Workshop on Visual Form, IWVF4. Capri, Italy Vol. Vol.~2059, pp. 186-195. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Arcelli, Carlo and Cordella, Luigi P. and Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella},
  title = {Skeletons in the Framework of Graph Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Visual Form 2001, 4th International Workshop on Visual Form, IWVF4},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {Vol.~2059},
  pages = {186--195},
  url = {}
Haxhimusa Y, Saib M, Glantz R and Kropatsch WG (2001), "Equivalent Contraction Kernels Using Dynamic Trees", In Computer Vision - 6th CVWW, Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Ljubljana, February, 2001. , pp. pp.~267-275. Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society.
  author = {Haxhimusa, Yll and Saib, Maamar and Glantz, Roland and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Likar, Bov stjan},
  title = {Equivalent Contraction Kernels Using Dynamic Trees},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision - 6th CVWW, Computer Vision Winter Workshop},
  publisher = {Slovenian Pattern Recognition Society},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {pp.~267--275},
  url = {}
(2001), "Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, GbR 2001" CUEN.
  editor = {Jolion, Jean-Michel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, GbR 2001},
  publisher = {CUEN},
  year = {2001},
  note = {ISBN 88 7146 579-2}
Kropatsch WG (2001), "Benchmarking Graph Matching Algorithms - A Complementary View", In Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, GbR 2001. , pp. 210-216. CUEN.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Jolion, Jean-Michel and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Vento, Mario},
  title = {Benchmarking Graph Matching Algorithms - A Complementary View},
  booktitle = {Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, GbR 2001},
  publisher = {CUEN},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {210--216},
  note = {ISBN 88 7146 579-2},
  url = {}
(2001), "Digital Image Analysis:
Selected Techniques and Applications"
Springer, New York.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Bischof, Horst}, title = {Digital Image Analysis:
Selected Techniques and Applications}, publisher = {Springer, New York}, year = {2001}, note = {ISBN 0-387-95066-4} }
Kropatsch WG, Burge M and Glantz R (2001), "Graphs in Image Analysis", In Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications. , pp. 179-197 . Springer, New York.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Burge, Mark and Glantz, Roland},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Bischof, Horst},
  title = {Graphs in Image Analysis},
  booktitle = {Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications},
  publisher = {Springer, New York},
  year = {2001},
  pages = { 179--197 }
Kropatsch WG, Bischof H and Englert R (2001), "Hierarchies", In Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications. , pp. 199-218 . Springer, New York.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Bischof, Horst and Englert, Roman},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Bischof, Horst},
  title = {Hierarchies},
  booktitle = {Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications},
  publisher = {Springer, New York},
  year = {2001},
  pages = { 199--218 }
Niederl F, Kalliany R, Saraceno C and Kropatsch WG (2001), "Image Data Catalogs", In Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications. , pp. 155-169 . Springer, New York.
  author = { Niederl, Franz and Kalliany, Rainer and Saraceno, Caterina and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Bischof, Horst},
  title = {Image Data Catalogs},
  booktitle = {Digital Image Analysis: Selected Techniques and Applications},
  publisher = {Springer, New York},
  year = {2001},
  pages = { 155--169 }
Ramoser H, Beleznai C, Wachmann B, Birchbauer J, Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (2001), "PCA-based Fingerprint Minutiae Compression and Matching", In Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Photogrammetry - a Common Viewpoint 25th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 167-174. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Ramoser, Herbert and Beleznai, Csaba and Wachmann, Bernd and Birchbauer, Josef and Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch,Walter G. },
  editor = {Scherer, Stefan },
  title = {PCA-based Fingerprint Minutiae Compression and Matching},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Photogrammetry - a Common Viewpoint 25th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {167--174},
  note = {Band~147}
Schlögl T, Wachmann B, Kropatsch WG and Bischof H (2001), "Evaluation of People Counting Systems", In Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Photogrammetry - a Common Viewpoint 25th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 199-206. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Schlögl, Thomas and Wachmann, Bernd and Kropatsch,Walter G. and Bischof, Horst},
  editor = {Scherer, Stefan },
  title = {Evaluation of People Counting Systems},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Photogrammetry - a Common Viewpoint 25th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {199--206},
  note = {Band~147},
  url = {}
(2001), "Advances in Pattern Recognition, ICAPR 2001" Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Vol. Vol.~2013 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
  editor = {Singh, Sameer and Murshed, Nabeel and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {Advances in Pattern Recognition, ICAPR 2001},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {Vol.~2013},
  note = {ISBN 88 7146 579-2}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Irregular Pyramids with Combinatorial Maps", In Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops on SSPR'2000 and SPR'2000. Alicante, Spain, August, 2000. Vol. 1876, pp. 256-265. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Ferri, Francesc J. and Iñesta, José M. and Amin, Adnan and Pudil, Pavel},
  title = {Irregular Pyramids with Combinatorial Maps},
  booktitle = {Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops on SSPR'2000 and SPR'2000},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {1876},
  pages = {256--265},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2000), "The Construction of Pyramids with
Combinatorial Maps"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-63)
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {The Construction of Pyramids with
Combinatorial Maps}, year = {2000}, number = {PRIP-TR-63}, note = {Also available through}, url = {} }
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Data Structure and image segmentation" Dagstuhl (Germany) , December, 2000.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  title = {Data Structure and image segmentation},
  year = {2000},
  note = { Winterschool "Digital and Image Geometry", 17.12.2000 - 22.12.2000 },
  url = {}
Englert R and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Image Structure From
Monotonic Dual Graph Contraction"
, In Applications of Graph Transformations
with Industrial Relevance. Kerkrade, Netherlands Vol. Vol.~1779, pp. 297-308. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Englert, Roman and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Nagl, Manfred and 
Schürr, Andreas and
Münch, Manfred}, title = {Image Structure From
Monotonic Dual Graph Contraction}, booktitle = {Applications of Graph Transformations
with Industrial Relevance}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York}, year = {2000}, volume = {Vol.~1779}, pages = {297--308}, url = {} }
Glantz R and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Relinking of Graph Pyramids by Means of a
New Representation"
, In CPRW2000,
Proceedings of the Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop. Peršlák , CZ , pp. pp.123-129. Czech Pattern Recognition Society Praha.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Svoboda, Tomas},
  title = {Relinking of Graph Pyramids by Means of a
New Representation}, booktitle = {CPRW2000,
Proceedings of the Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop}, publisher = {Czech Pattern Recognition Society Praha}, year = {2000}, pages = {pp.123--129}, note = {ISBN 80-238-5215-9} }
Glantz R and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Guided Relinking of Graph Pyramids", In Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops on SSPR'2000 and SPR'2000. Alicante, Spain, August, 2000. Vol. 1876, pp. 367-376. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Ferri, Francesc J. and Iñesta, José M. and Amin, Adnan and Pudil, Pavel},
  title = {Guided Relinking of Graph Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops on SSPR'2000 and SPR'2000},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {1876},
  pages = {367--376},
  url = {}
Glantz R and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Parallel Relinking of Graph Pyramids", In Applications of 3D-Imaging and Graph-based Modeling 2000; 24th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 193-198. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Sablatnig, Robert},
  title = {Parallel Relinking of Graph Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Applications of 3D-Imaging and Graph-based Modeling 2000; 24th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {193--198},
  note = {Band~142},
  url = {}
Glantz R and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Plane Embedding of Dually Contracted Graphs", In Proceedings DGCI'00, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Uppsala, Sweden Vol. Vol.~1953, pp. 348-357. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Borgefors, Gunilla and Nyström, Ingela and Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella},
  title = {Plane Embedding of Dually Contracted Graphs},
  booktitle = {Proceedings DGCI'00, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {Vol.~1953},
  pages = {348--357},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG and Brun L (2000), "Hierarchies of Combinatorial Maps", In CPRW2000,
Proceedings of the Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop. Peršlák , CZ , pp. pp.131-137. Czech Pattern Recognition Society Praha.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Brun, Luc},
  editor = {Svoboda, Tomas},
  title = {Hierarchies of Combinatorial Maps},
  booktitle = {CPRW2000,
Proceedings of the Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop}, publisher = {Czech Pattern Recognition Society Praha}, year = {2000}, pages = {pp.131--137}, note = {ISBN 80-238-5215-9} }
Megret R, Saraceno C and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Background Mosaic from Egomotion", In 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000. Vol. I, pp. 571-574. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Megret, Rémi and Saraceno, Caterina and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Sanfeliu, Alberto and Villanueva, Juan-Jose and Vanrell, Maria and Alquézar, René and Jain, Anil K. and Kittler, Josef},
  title = {Background Mosaic from Egomotion},
  booktitle = {15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {I},
  pages = {571--574},
  url = {}
Ptak P and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Nearness in Digital Images and Proximity Spaces", In Proceedings DGCI 2000, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Uppsala, Sweden Vol. Vol.~1953, pp. 69-77. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Ptak, Pavel and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Borgefors, Gunilla and Nyström, Ingela and Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella},
  title = {Nearness in Digital Images and Proximity Spaces},
  booktitle = {Proceedings DGCI 2000, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {Vol.~1953},
  pages = {69--77},
  url = {}
Wolf C, Bischof H, Jolion J-M and Kropatsch WG (2000), "Content based Image Retrieval using Interest Points and Texture Features", In 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000. Vol. IV, pp. 234-237. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Wolf, Christian and Bischof, Horst and Jolion, Jean-Michel and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Sanfeliu, Alberto and Villanueva, Juan-Jose and Vanrell, Maria and Alquézar, René and Jain, Anil K. and Kittler, Josef},
  title = {Content based Image Retrieval using Interest Points and Texture Features},
  booktitle = {15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2000},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {IV},
  pages = {234--237},
  url = {}
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (1999), "Dual Contraction of Combinatorial Maps" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-54)
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Dual Contraction of Combinatorial Maps},
  year = {1999},
  number = {PRIP-TR-54},
  note = {Also available through}, url = {} }
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (1999), "Pyramids with Combinatorial Maps" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-57)
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Pyramids with Combinatorial Maps},
  year = {1999},
  number = {PRIP-TR-57},
  note = {Also available through} }
Brun L and Kropatsch WG (1999), "Dual Contraction of Combinatorial Maps", In 2nd IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation. , pp. 145-154. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Brun, Luc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Jolion, Jean-Michel},
  title = {Dual Contraction of Combinatorial Maps},
  booktitle = {2nd IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {1999},
  pages = {145--154},
  note = {Band 126}
Burge M and Kropatsch WG (1999), "Run Graphs and MLPP Graphs in Line Image Encoding", In 2nd IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation. , pp. 11-19. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Burge, Marc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Jolion, Jean-Michel},
  title = {Run Graphs and MLPP Graphs in Line Image Encoding},
  booktitle = {2nd IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {1999},
  pages = {11--19},
  note = {Band 126}
Burge M and Kropatsch WG (1999), "A Minimal Line Property Preserving
Representation of Line Images"
, Computing, Devoted Issue on Image Processing. Vol. 62, pp. pp.~355-368. Springer-Verlag Wien New York.
  author = {Burge, Mark and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Walter G. Kropatsch (Ed.)},
  title = {A Minimal Line Property Preserving 
Representation of Line Images}, journal = {Computing, Devoted Issue on Image Processing}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Wien New York}, year = {1999}, volume = {62}, pages = {pp.~355--368}, url = {} }
Glantz R, Englert R and Kropatsch WG (1999), "Representation of Image Structure by a Pair of Dual Graphs", In 2nd IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation. , pp. 155-163. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Englert, Roman and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Jolion, Jean-Michel},
  title = {Representation of Image Structure by a Pair of Dual Graphs},
  booktitle = {2nd IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representation},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {1999},
  pages = {155--163},
  note = {Band 126}
Glantz R, Englert R and Kropatsch WG (1999), "Contracting Distance Maps of Pores to Pore Networks", In Computer Vision - CVWW'99,
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Wien, Austria , pp. 112-121. PRIP TU Wien.
  author = {Glantz, Roland and Englert, Roman
and Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Brändle, Norbert (ed.)}, title = {Contracting Distance Maps of Pores to Pore Networks}, booktitle = {Computer Vision - CVWW'99,
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop}, publisher = {PRIP TU Wien}, year = {1999}, pages = {112--121} }
Kropatsch WG (1999), "How Useful is Structure in Motion?", In Computer Vision - CVWW'99,
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Wien, Austria , pp. pp.78-89. PRIP TU Wien.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Brändle, Norbert (ed.)},
  title = {How Useful is Structure in Motion?},
  booktitle = {Computer Vision - CVWW'99,
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop}, publisher = {PRIP TU Wien}, year = {1999}, pages = {pp.78--89} }
(1999), "2nd IAPR-TC-15~Workshop on Graph-based Representation" Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Jolion, Jean-Michel},
  title = {2nd IAPR-TC-15~Workshop on Graph-based Representation},
  publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft},
  year = {1999},
  note = {Band 126}
(1999), "Devoted Issue on Image Processing" Vol. 62 Springer-Verlag Wien New York.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Devoted Issue on Image Processing},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Wien New York},
  year = {1999},
  volume = {62}
Kropatsch WG (1999), "How Useful is Structure in Motion?", In Fundamental Structural Properties in Image
and Pattern Analysis 1999. , pp. 35-45. Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Chectverikov, Dmitry and Szirányi, Tamás},
  title = {How Useful is Structure in Motion?},
  booktitle = {Fundamental Structural Properties in Image 
and Pattern Analysis 1999}, publisher = {Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft}, year = {1999}, pages = {35--45}, note = {Band 130} }
Kropatsch WG, Leonardis A and Bischof H (1999), "Hierarchical, Adaptive and Robust Methods for
Image Understanding"
, Surveys on Mathematics for Industry. Vol. No.~9, pp. pp.~1-47. Springer-Verlag Wien New York.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Leonardis, Aleš and
Bischof, Horst}, title = {Hierarchical, Adaptive and Robust Methods for
Image Understanding}, journal = {Surveys on Mathematics for Industry}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Wien New York}, year = {1999}, volume = {No.~9}, pages = {pp.~1--47} }
Saraceno C, Reiter M, Kammerer P, Zolda E and Kropatsch WG (1999), "Pictorial Portrait Indexing Using
View-Based Eigen-Eyes"
, In Visual Information and Information Systems. Amsterdam, NL Vol. Vol.~1614, pp. 649-656. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Saraceno, Caterina and
Reiter, Michael and
Kammerer, Paul and
Zolda, Ernestine and
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Huijsmans, D.P. and Smeulders, Arnold (eds.)}, title = {Pictorial Portrait Indexing Using
View-Based Eigen-Eyes}, booktitle = {Visual Information and Information Systems}, publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York}, year = {1999}, volume = {Vol.~1614}, pages = {649--656} }
Burge M and Kropatsch WG (1998), "Contracting Line Images using Run Graphs", In Pattern Recognition and Medical Computer Vision 1998, 22nd ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 235-244. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Burge, Mark and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Gengler, M. and Prinz, M. and Schuster, E.},
  title = {Contracting Line Images using Run Graphs},
  booktitle = {Pattern Recognition and Medical Computer Vision 1998, 22nd ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {235--244},
  note = {Band~106}
(1998), "Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition" Vol. Computing, Supplementum 12 Springer-Verlag Wien New York .
  editor = {Jolion, Jean-Michel and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = { Springer-Verlag Wien New York },
  year = {1998},
  volume = { Computing, Supplementum 12}
Kropatsch WG, Burge M, Ben Yacoub S and Selmaoui N (1998), "Dual Graph Contraction with LEDA", Computing, Supplementum:
Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition. Vol. No.~12, pp. pp.~101-110. Springer-Verlag Wien New York.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Burge, Mark and
Ben Yacoub, Souheil and Selmaoui, Nazha}, editor = {Jean-Michel Jolion and Walter G. Kropatsch (eds.)}, title = {Dual Graph Contraction with LEDA}, journal = {Computing, Supplementum:
Graph Based Representations in Pattern Recognition}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Wien New York}, year = {1998}, volume = {No.~12}, pages = {pp.~101--110} }
Kropatsch WG (1998), "Property Preserving Hierarchical
Graph Transformations"
, In Advances in Visual Form Analysis. , pp. 340-349. World Scientific Publishing Company.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Arcelli, Carlo and Cordella, Luigi P. and
Sanniti di Baja, Gabriella}, title = {Property Preserving Hierarchical
Graph Transformations}, booktitle = {Advances in Visual Form Analysis}, publisher = {World Scientific Publishing Company}, year = {1998}, pages = {340--349} }
Kropatsch WG (1998), "From Equivalent Weighting Functions to Equivalent Contraction Kernels", In Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics (DIP-97): Applications in Humanities and Natural Sciences. Vol. 3346, pp. 310-320. SPIE.
  author = { Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = { Wenger, Emanuel and Dimitrov, Leonid I. },
  title = {From Equivalent Weighting Functions to Equivalent Contraction Kernels},
  booktitle = { Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics (DIP-97): Applications in Humanities and Natural Sciences},
  publisher = {SPIE},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {3346},
  pages = {310--320}
Kropatsch WG, Burge M and Idl HL (1998), "Dual Graph Contraction for Run Graphs", In Computer Vision - CVWW'98,
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop. Ljubljana , pp. pp.~75-86. IEEE Slovenia Section.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Burge, Mark and
Idl, Heinz L.}, editor = {Leonardis, Alev s and Solina, Franc (eds.)}, title = {Dual Graph Contraction for Run Graphs}, booktitle = {Computer Vision - CVWW'98,
Proceedings of the Computer Vision Winter Workshop}, publisher = {IEEE Slovenia Section}, year = {1998}, pages = {pp.~75--86} }
Kropatsch WG and Burge M (1998), "Minimizing the Topological Structure of Line Images", In Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98. Sydney, Australia, August, 1998. Vol. Vol.~1451, pp. 149-158. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Kropatsch,Walter G. and Burge, Mark },
  editor = {Amin, Adnan and Dori, Dov and Pudil, Pavel and Freeman, Herbert},
  title = {Minimizing the Topological Structure of Line Images},
  booktitle = {Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {Vol.~1451},
  pages = {149--158},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG and Ptàk P (1998), "The Path-Connectedness in $Z^2$ and $Z^3$ and Classical Topologies", In Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98. Sydney, Australia, August, 1998. Vol. Vol.~1451, pp. 181-189. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Kropatsch,Walter G. and Ptàk, Pavel },
  editor = {Amin, Adnan and Dori, Dov and Pudil, Pavel and Freeman, Herbert},
  title = {The Path-Connectedness in $Z^2$ and $Z^3$ and Classical Topologies},
  booktitle = {Advances in Pattern Recognition, Joint IAPR International Workshops SSPR'98 and SPR'98},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {Vol.~1451},
  pages = {181--189}
Pailloncy J-G, Kropatsch WG and Jolion J-M (1998), "Object Matching on Irregular Pyramid", In 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. II, pp. 1721-1723. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Pailloncy, Jean-Gerard and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Jolion, Jean-Michel},
  editor = {Jain, Anil K. and Venkatesh, Svetha and Lovell, Brian C.},
  title = {Object Matching on Irregular Pyramid},
  booktitle = {14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {II},
  pages = {1721--1723}
Sablatnig R, Menard C and Kropatsch WG (1998), "Classification of Archaeological Fragments
Using a Description Language"
, In SIGNAL PROCESSING IX, Theories and Applications. Vol. II, pp. 1097-1100. EURASIP.
  author = {Sablatnig, Robert and
Menard, Christian and
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Theodoridis, S. and Pitas, I. and
Stouraitis, A. and Kalouptsidis, N.}, title = {Classification of Archaeological Fragments
Using a Description Language}, booktitle = {SIGNAL PROCESSING IX, Theories and Applications}, publisher = {EURASIP}, year = {1998}, volume = {II}, pages = {1097--1100} }
Hocevar E and Kropatsch WG (1997), "Inventing the Formula of the Trees", Journal Fractals (special issue for ASI Workshop on
Fractal and Image Encoding and Analysis). World Scientific Publishing Company.
  author = {Hocevar, Erwin and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Inventing the Formula of the Trees},
  journal = {Journal Fractals (special issue for ASI Workshop on
Fractal and Image Encoding and Analysis)}, publisher = {World Scientific Publishing Company}, year = {1997}, note = {in Print} }
Kropatsch WG (1997), "Equivalent Contraction Kernels
to Build Dual Irregular Pyramids"
, Advances in Computer Science. Vol. Advances in Computer Vision, pp. pp.~99-107. Springer-Verlag Wien New York.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {F. Solina, W. Kropatsch, R. Klette, R. Bajcsy (eds.)},
  title = {Equivalent Contraction Kernels
to Build Dual Irregular Pyramids}, journal = {Advances in Computer Science}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Wien New York}, year = {1997}, volume = {Advances in Computer Vision}, pages = {pp.~99--107} }
Kropatsch WG (1997), "Pragmatic Observation and Evaluation", In Human and Machine Perception: Information Fusion. , pp. 179-188. Plenum Press.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Cantoni, Virginio and Di Gesu, Vito and Setti, Alessandra and Tegolo, Domenico},
  title = {Pragmatic Observation and Evaluation},
  booktitle = {Human and Machine Perception: Information Fusion},
  publisher = {Plenum Press},
  year = {1997},
  pages = {179--188}
Kropatsch WG (1997), "From Equivalent Weighting Functions to Equivalent Contraction Kernels", In CZECH PATTERN RECOGNITION WORKSHOP'97., February, 1997. , pp. 1-13 . Czech Pattern Recognition Society .
  author = { Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  title = {From Equivalent Weighting Functions to Equivalent Contraction Kernels},
  publisher = { Czech Pattern Recognition Society },
  year = {1997},
  pages = { 1--13 }
Menard C and Kropatsch WG (1997), "An Adaptive Strategy for Finding Stereo Correspondences", In Pattern Recognition 1997, Proc. of 21th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 185-195. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Menard, Christian and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Burger, Wilhelm and Burge, Mark},
  title = {An Adaptive Strategy for Finding Stereo Correspondences},
  booktitle = {Pattern Recognition 1997, Proc. of 21th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1997},
  pages = {185--195},
  note = {Band~103}
Menard C and Kropatsch WG (1997), "Adaptive Stereo Matching in Correlation Scale Space", In Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP'97. Florence, Italy Vol. Vol.~1310-I, pp. 677-684. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Menard, Christian and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Del Bimbo, Alberto},
  title = {Adaptive Stereo Matching in Correlation Scale Space},
  booktitle = {Image Analysis and Processing, ICIAP'97},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {1997},
  volume = {Vol.~1310-I},
  pages = {677--684}
Ptak P, Kofler H and Kropatsch WG (1997), "Digital Topologies Revisited: An Approach Based on the Topological Point-Neighborhood", In Proceedings DGCI'97, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery. Montpellier, France Vol. Vol.~1347, pp. 151-159. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Ptak, Pavel and Kofler, Helmut and Kropatsch,Walter G.},
  editor = {Ahronovitz, Ehoud and Fiorio, Christophe},
  title = {Digital Topologies Revisited: An Approach Based on the Topological Point-Neighborhood},
  booktitle = {Proceedings DGCI'97, Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {1997},
  volume = {Vol.~1347},
  pages = {151--159},
  url = {}
Selmaoui N and Kropatsch WG (1997), "Watershed by Dual Graph Contraction", In Pattern Recognition 1997, Proc. of 21th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 69-78. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Selmaoui, Nazha and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Burger, Wilhelm and Burge, Mark},
  title = {Watershed by Dual Graph Contraction},
  booktitle = {Pattern Recognition 1997, Proc. of 21th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1997},
  pages = {69--78},
  note = {Band~103}
(1997), "Advances in Computer Vision" Vol. Advances in Computer Science Springer-Verlag Wien New York .
  editor = { Solina, Franc and Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Klette, Reinhard and Bajcsy, Ruzena }, title = {Advances in Computer Vision}, publisher = { Springer-Verlag Wien New York }, year = {1997}, volume = { Advances in Computer Science } }
Bischof H, Leonardis A and Kropatsch WG (1996), "Minimum description length based optimization
of neural networks applied to
multispectral classification"
, In IIASA Workshop on Neural Networks and Remote Sensing. , pp. 3-4. IIASA.
  author = {Bischof, Horst and Leonardis, Ales and
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Fischer, M.}, title = {Minimum description length based optimization
of neural networks applied to
multispectral classification}, booktitle = {IIASA Workshop on Neural Networks and Remote Sensing}, publisher = {IIASA}, year = {1996}, pages = {3--4} }
Hocevar E and Kropatsch WG (1996), "Towards a better Compression of Self Similar Images, (I) Efficient Encoding of Affine Self Similar Binary Images", In Proceedings of ICAPT'96 . Montreal, Canada, July, 1996. , pp. in print.
  author = {Hocevar, Erwin and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Towards a better Compression of Self Similar Images, (I) Efficient Encoding of Affine Self Similar Binary Images},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ICAPT'96 },
  year = {1996},
  pages = {in print}
Hocevar E and Kropatsch WG (1996), "Towards a better Compression of Self Similar Images, (II) Proofing the Edge Maxima Matching Algorithm for the IFS-Encoding of Affine Self Similar Binary Images", In Proceedings of ICSP'96 . Beijing, China, October, 1996. Vol. Vol.~II, pp. 1223-1226.
  author = {Hocevar, Erwin and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Towards a better Compression of Self Similar Images, (II) Proofing the Edge Maxima Matching Algorithm for the IFS-Encoding of Affine Self Similar Binary Images},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ICSP'96 },
  year = {1996},
  volume = {Vol.~II},
  pages = {1223--1226}
Hocevar E and Kropatsch WG (1996), "Towards a better Compression of Self Similar Images, (III) Proofing the Refined Edge Maxima Matching Algorithm for the IFS-Encoding of Affine Self Similar Binary Images", In Proceedings of IWISP'96 . Manchester, U.K., November, 1996. , pp. in print.
  author = {Hocevar, Erwin and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Towards a better Compression of Self Similar Images, (III) Proofing the Refined Edge Maxima Matching Algorithm for the IFS-Encoding of Affine Self Similar Binary Images},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of IWISP'96 },
  year = {1996},
  pages = {in print}
Kropatsch WG (1996), "Properties of Pyramidal Representations", Computing, Supplementum:
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision. Vol. No.~11, pp. pp.~99-111. Springer-Verlag Wien New York.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {W. Kropatsch, R. Klette, F. Solina (eds.)},
  title = {Properties of Pyramidal Representations},
  journal = {Computing, Supplementum: 
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Wien New York}, year = {1996}, volume = {No.~11}, pages = {pp.~99--111} }
(1996), "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision" (11) Springer-Verlag Wien New York.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Klette, Reinhard and
Solina, Franc}, title = {Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag Wien New York}, year = {1996}, number = {11} }
Kropatsch WG and BenYacoub S (1996), "Universal Segmentation with Pit IRRamids", In Pattern Recognition 1996, Proc. of 20th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 171-182. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and BenYacoub, Souheil},
  editor = {Pinz, Axel},
  title = {Universal Segmentation with Pit IRRamids},
  booktitle = {Pattern Recognition 1996, Proc. of 20th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1996},
  pages = {171--182},
  note = {Band 90}
Kropatsch WG and BenYacoub S (1996), "A general pyramid segmentation algorithm", In Vision Geometry V,
Intl. Symposium on Optical Sciences,
Engineering, and Instrumentation. Vol. 2826, pp. 216-224. SPIE.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and BenYacoub, Souheil},
  editor = {Melter, Robert and
Wu, Angela Y. and Latecki, Longin}, title = {A general pyramid segmentation algorithm}, booktitle = {Vision Geometry V,
Intl. Symposium on Optical Sciences,
Engineering, and Instrumentation}, publisher = {SPIE}, year = {1996}, volume = {2826}, pages = {216--224} }
Kropatsch WG and BenYacoub S (1996), "A revision of pyramid segmentation", In 13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. II, pp. 477-481. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and BenYacoub, Souheil},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {A revision of pyramid segmentation},
  booktitle = {13th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {II},
  pages = {477--481}
Sablatnig R, Leonardis A and Kropatsch WG (1996), "A Highly Adaptable Concept for Visual Inspection", In Proc. of the 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Automation and Control, ISIAC'96 - Recent Trends in Development and Application. Vol. 4, pp. 651-656. TSI Press, Albuquerque.
  author = {Sablatnig, Robert and Leonardis, Alev s and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Jamshidi, M. and Yuh, J. and Dauchez, P.},
  title = {A Highly Adaptable Concept for Visual Inspection},
  booktitle = {Proc. of the 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Automation and Control, ISIAC'96 - Recent Trends in Development and Application},
  publisher = {TSI Press, Albuquerque},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {651--656}
Tastl I, Sablatnig R and Kropatsch WG (1996), "Model-based Classification of Painted Portraits", In Pattern Recognition 1996, Proc. of 20th ÖAGM Workshop. , pp. 237-249. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Tastl, Ingeborg and Sablatnig, Robert and Kropatsch, Walter G. },
  editor = {Pinz, Axel},
  title = {Model-based Classification of Painted Portraits},
  booktitle = {Pattern Recognition 1996, Proc. of 20th ÖAGM Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1996},
  pages = {237--249},
  note = {Band 90}
Kropatsch WG (1995), "Building Irregular Pyramids by Dual Graph Contraction", IEE-Proc. Vision, Image and Signal Processing., December, 1995. Vol. Vol.~142(No.~6), pp. pp.~366-374.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Building Irregular Pyramids by Dual Graph Contraction},
  journal = {IEE-Proc. Vision, Image and Signal Processing},
  year = {1995},
  volume = {Vol.~142},
  number = {No.~6},
  pages = {pp.~366--374}
Kropatsch WG (1995), "Towards Higher Decimation Ratios", In Proceedings CAIP'95, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Prague, Czech Republic Vol. Vol.~970, pp. 747-752. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Hlaváč, Václav and Šára, Radim},
  title = {Towards Higher Decimation Ratios},
  booktitle = {Proceedings CAIP'95, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns},
  publisher = {Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York},
  year = {1995},
  volume = {Vol.~970},
  pages = {747--752}
Kropatsch WG and Macho H (1995), "Finding the Structure of Connected Components Using Dual Irregular Pyramids", In Cinquième Colloque DGCI., September, 1995. , pp. 147-158. LLAIC1, Université d'Auvergne, ISBN 2-87663-040-0.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Macho, Herwig},
  title = {Finding the Structure of Connected Components Using Dual Irregular Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Cinquième Colloque DGCI},
  publisher = {LLAIC1, Université d'Auvergne, ISBN 2-87663-040-0},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {147--158}
Kropatsch WG, Eder M and Kammerer P (1995), "Finding strokes of the brush in portrait miniatures", In Visual Modules, Proc. of 19th ÖAGM and 1st SDVR Workshop. , pp. 257-265. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Eder, Martin and Kammerer, Paul},
  editor = {Solina, Franc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Finding strokes of the brush in portrait miniatures},
  booktitle = {Visual Modules, Proc. of 19th ÖAGM and 1st SDVR Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {257--265},
  note = {Band 81}
Kropatsch WG (1995), "Bildpyramiden", In Bildverarbeitung '95, Forschen, Entwickeln, Anwenden. , pp. 89-102. Technische Akademie Esslingen, Ostfildern.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Ahlers, Rolf-J.},
  title = {Bildpyramiden},
  booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung '95, Forschen, Entwickeln, Anwenden},
  publisher = {Technische Akademie Esslingen, Ostfildern},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {89--102},
  note = {ISBN 3-924813-35-3}
Kropatsch WG (1995), "Equivalent Contraction Kernels and
The Domain of Dual Irregular Pyramids"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-42)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Equivalent Contraction Kernels and
The Domain of Dual Irregular Pyramids}, year = {1995}, number = {PRIP-TR-42}, url = {} }
Macho H and Kropatsch WG (1995), "Finding Connected Components with Dual Irregular Pyramids", In Visual Modules, Proc. of 19th ÖAGM and 1st SDVR Workshop. , pp. 313-321. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Macho, Herwig and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Solina, Franc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Finding Connected Components with Dual Irregular Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Visual Modules, Proc. of 19th ÖAGM and 1st SDVR Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {313--321},
  note = {Band 81}
(1995), "Visual Modules, Proc. of 19th ÖAGM and 1st SDVR Workshop" R.~Oldenburg.
  editor = {Solina, Franc and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Visual Modules, Proc. of 19th ÖAGM and 1st SDVR Workshop},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1995},
  note = {Band 81}
Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (1994), "The Fuzzy Curve Pyramid", In 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. I, pp. 505-509. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Peleg, Shmuel and Ullman, Shimon and Yeshurun, Yehezkel},
  title = {The Fuzzy Curve Pyramid},
  booktitle = {12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {I},
  pages = {505--509}
Fermüller C and Kropatsch WG (1994), "Multi-resolution shape description by corners", In Shape in Picture, Mathematical Description of
Shape in Grey-level Images. Vol. 126, pp. 539-548. Springer Berlin.
  author = {Fermüller, Cornelia and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {O, Ying-Lie and Toet,Alexander and 
Foster,David and Heijmans,Henk J.A.M. and
Meer,Peter}, title = {Multi-resolution shape description by corners}, booktitle = {Shape in Picture, Mathematical Description of
Shape in Grey-level Images}, publisher = {Springer Berlin}, year = {1994}, volume = {126}, pages = {539--548} }
Fermüller C and Kropatsch WG (1994), "A Syntactic Approach to Scale-Space-Based Corner Description", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence., July, 1994. Vol. Vol.~16(No.~7), pp. pp.~748-751.
  author = {Fermüller, Cornelia and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {A Syntactic Approach to Scale-Space-Based Corner Description},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {Vol.~16},
  number = {No.~7},
  pages = {pp.~748--751}
Kropatsch WG and Willersinn D (1994), "Irregular Curve Pyramids", In Shape in Picture, Mathematical Description of
Shape in Grey-level Images. Vol. 126, pp. 525-537. Springer Berlin.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Willersinn, Dieter},
  editor = {O, Ying-Lie and Toet,Alexander and 
Foster,David and Heijmans,Henk J.A.M. and
Meer,Peter}, title = {Irregular Curve Pyramids}, booktitle = {Shape in Picture, Mathematical Description of
Shape in Grey-level Images}, publisher = {Springer Berlin}, year = {1994}, volume = {126}, pages = {525--537} }
Kropatsch WG (1994), "Building Irregular Pyramids
by Dual Graph Contraction"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-35)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Building Irregular Pyramids 
by Dual Graph Contraction}, year = {1994}, number = {PRIP-TR-35}, url = {} }
(1994), "Mustererkennung 1994", 21.-23. September, 1994. Vol. 5 Springer Verlag, Berlin.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Bischof, Horst},
  title = {Mustererkennung 1994},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag, Berlin},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {5},
  note = {ÖAGM/DAGM - Symposium, Wien, Austria}
Kropatsch WG and Willersinn D (1994), "Parallel Line Grouping and Irregular Curve Pyramids" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-22)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Willersinn, Dieter},
  title = {Parallel Line Grouping and Irregular Curve Pyramids},
  year = {1994},
  number = {PRIP-TR-22},
  url = {}
Sablatnig R and Kropatsch WG (1994), "Automated Reading of Analog Display Instruments", In 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. I, pp. 794-797. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Sablatnig, Robert and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Peleg, Shmuel and Ullman, Shimon and Yeshurun, Yehezkel},
  title = {Automated Reading of Analog Display Instruments},
  booktitle = {12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {I},
  pages = {794--797}
Sablatnig R and Kropatsch WG (1994), "Application Constraints in the Design of an Automated Reading Device for Analog Display Instruments", In Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision. , pp. 205-212. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Sablatnig, Robert and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Application Constraints in the Design of an Automated Reading Device for Analog Display Instruments},
  booktitle = {Proc. of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {205--212}
Willersinn D and Kropatsch WG (1994), "Dual Graph Contraction for Irregular Pyramids", In 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. III, pp. 251-256. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Willersinn, Dieter and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Peleg, Shmuel and Ullman, Shimon and Yeshurun, Yehezkel},
  title = {Dual Graph Contraction for Irregular Pyramids},
  booktitle = {12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {III},
  pages = {251--256}
Willersinn D, Bertin E and Kropatsch WG (1994), "Dual Irregular Voronoi Pyramids and
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-27)
  author = {Willersinn, Dieter and Bertin, Etienne and
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {Dual Irregular Voronoi Pyramids and
Segmentation}, year = {1994}, number = {PRIP-TR-27}, url = {} }
Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (1993), "Neural Networks versus Image Pyramids", In Proc. Int.Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks and
Genetic Algorithms, Innsbruck. , pp. 145-153. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Albrecht, Rudolf F. and Reeves, C.R. and Steele, N.C.},
  title = {Neural Networks versus Image Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Proc. Int.Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks and 
Genetic Algorithms, Innsbruck}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1993}, pages = {145--153} }
Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (1993), "Hopfield Networks for Irregular Decimation", In Image Analysis and Synthesis. , pp. 317-327. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Horst Bischof and Walter G. Kropatsch},
  editor = {Pölzleitner, Wolfgang and Wenger, Emanuel},
  title = {Hopfield Networks for Irregular Decimation},
  booktitle = {Image Analysis and Synthesis},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1993},
  pages = {317--327},
  note = {Band 68}
Bischof H and Kropatsch WG (1993), "Neural Networks versus Image Pyramids" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-7)
  author = {Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Neural Networks versus Image Pyramids},
  year = {1993},
  number = {PRIP-TR-7},
  url = {}
(1993), "Proceedings CAIP'93, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns" Budapest, Hungary Vol. Vol.~719 Springer.
  editor = {Chetverikov, Dmitry and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Proceedings CAIP'93, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {1993},
  volume = {Vol.~719}
Kropatsch WG (1993), "Pyramidal and Fractal Structures in Representation and Interpretation of Images", May, 1993. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Departement SPI.
  author = {Walter G. Kropatsch},
  title = {Pyramidal and Fractal Structures in Representation and Interpretation of Images},
  publisher = {Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Departement SPI},
  year = {1993},
  note = {Assemblée Generale du GDR Traitement du Signal et Images}
Kropatsch WG and Willersinn D (1993), "Parallel line Grouping in Irregular
, In Proceedings Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - CVPR'93. , pp. 784-785. IEEE Comp.Soc.Press.
  author = {Walter G. Kropatsch and Dieter Willersinn},
  title = {Parallel line Grouping in Irregular 
Pyramids}, booktitle = {Proceedings Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - CVPR'93}, publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.Press}, year = {1993}, pages = {784--785} }
Kropatsch WG (1993), "New Research in Hierarchical Representation for Spatial Data", In Proceedings of the 25th Int. Symp. Remote Sensing and Global Environment Change, Graz. Vol. Vol.~I, pp. 509-520.
  author = {Walter G. Kropatsch},
  title = {New Research in Hierarchical Representation for Spatial Data},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th Int. Symp. Remote Sensing and Global Environment Change, Graz},
  year = {1993},
  volume = {Vol.~I},
  pages = {509--520}
Kropatsch WG, Reither C, Willersinn D and Wlaschitz G (1993), "The Dual Irregular Pyramid", In Proceedings CAIP'93, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. Budapest, Hungary Vol. Vol.~719, pp. 31-40. Springer.
  author = {Walter G. Kropatsch and 
Christian Reither and
Dieter Willersinn and
Günther Wlaschitz}, editor = {Chetverikov, Dmitry and Kropatsch, Walter G.}, title = {The Dual Irregular Pyramid}, booktitle = {Proceedings CAIP'93, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {1993}, volume = {Vol.~719}, pages = {31--40} }
Kropatsch WG and Neuhauser MA (1993), "Recovering Iterated Functions", In Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93. Temešvár u Psku, Czech Republic , pp. 41-50.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and 
Neuhauser, Michael A.}, editor = {Václav Hlávač and Tomáš Pajdla}, title = {Recovering Iterated Functions}, booktitle = {Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93}, year = {1993}, pages = {41--50} }
Kropatsch WG and Neuhauser MA (1993), "Discrete Iterated Chaining Systems and
Fractal Recovery from Discrete Signals"
, In Colloque Geometrie Discrete en Imagerie. , pp. 152-167. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and 
Neuhauser, Michael A.}, title = {Discrete Iterated Chaining Systems and
Fractal Recovery from Discrete Signals}, booktitle = {Colloque Geometrie Discrete en Imagerie}, publisher = {Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique}, year = {1993}, pages = {152--167} }
Neuhauser MA, Kropatsch WG and Leitgeb IJ (1993), "Iterierte Funktionensysteme -
Eine Lösung des eindimensionalen inversen Problems"
, In Mustererkennung'93. , pp. 102-109. Springer.
  author = {Michael A. Neuhauser and Walter G. Kropatsch and Irene J. Leitgeb},
  editor = {S.J. Pöppl and H. Handels},
  title = {Iterierte Funktionensysteme - 
Eine Lösung des eindimensionalen inversen Problems}, booktitle = {Mustererkennung'93}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {1993}, pages = {102--109} }
Willersinn D and Kropatsch WG (1993), "Preserving Topology in the Irregular Curve Pyramid", In Mustererkennung'93. , pp. 655-662. Springer.
  author = {Dieter Willersinn and Walter G. Kropatsch},
  editor = {S.J. Pöppl and H. Handels},
  title = {Preserving Topology in the Irregular Curve Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Mustererkennung'93},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {1993},
  pages = {655--662}
Willersinn D and Kropatsch WG (1993), "Planarity preservation in a dual pyramid scheme", In Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93. Temešvár u Psku, Czech Republic , pp. 51-58.
  author = {Dieter Willersinn and Walter G. Kropatsch},
  editor = {Václav Hlávač and Tomáš Pajdla},
  title = {Planarity preservation in a dual pyramid scheme},
  booktitle = {Czech Pattern Recognition Workshop '93},
  year = {1993},
  pages = {51--58}
Bischof H, Pinz AJ and Kropatsch WG (1992), "Visualization Methods for Neural Networks", In Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. Vol.~II, pp. 581-585. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Bischof, Horst and Pinz, Axel J. and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Backer, E. and Gelsema, E.S.},
  title = {Visualization Methods for Neural Networks},
  booktitle = {Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {Vol.~II},
  pages = {581--585}
(1992), "Pattern Recognition 1992" R.~Oldenburg.
  editor = {Bischof, Horst and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Pattern Recognition 1992},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1992},
  note = {Band 62}
Fermüller C and Kropatsch WG (1992), "Hierarchical Curve Representation", In Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. Vol.~III, pp. 143-146. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Fermüller, Cornelia and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Backer, E. and Gelsema, E.S.},
  title = {Hierarchical Curve Representation},
  booktitle = {Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {Vol.~III},
  pages = {143--146}
Fermüller C and Kropatsch WG (1992), "Multi-resolution shape description by corners", April, 1992. (TR-2883)
  author = {Fermüller, Cornelia and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Multi-resolution shape description by corners},
  year = {1992},
  number = {TR-2883}
Kropatsch WG (1992), "Pattern Recognition Activities in Austria", In Modelling and New Methods in Image Processing
and in Geographical Information Systems. , pp. 23-25. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Mandl, Peter},
  title = {Pattern Recognition Activities in Austria},
  booktitle = { Modelling and New Methods in Image Processing 
and in Geographical Information Systems}, publisher = {R.~Oldenburg}, year = {1992}, pages = {23--25}, note = {Band 61} }
Kropatsch WG (1992), "Irregular Pyramids", In Modelling and New Methods in Image Processing and in Geographical Information Systems. , pp. 39-50. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Mandl, Peter},
  title = {Irregular Pyramids},
  booktitle = { Modelling and New Methods in Image Processing and in Geographical Information Systems},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1992},
  pages = {39--50},
  note = {Band 61}
Kropatsch WG (1992), "Digitales Sehen mit Bildpyramiden I", Bild & Ton, Fachzeitschrift für Bild -
und Tonverarbeitung. Berlin Vol. Bd.45(Heft~1/2), pp. pp.~6-10. Bild & Ton, Medienverlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Digitales Sehen mit Bildpyramiden I},
  journal = {Bild & Ton, Fachzeitschrift für Bild - 
und Tonverarbeitung}, publisher = {Bild & Ton, Medienverlag}, year = {1992}, volume = {Bd.45}, number = {Heft~1/2}, pages = {pp.~6--10} }
Kropatsch WG (1992), "Digitales Sehen mit Bildpyramiden II", Bild & Ton, Fachzeitschrift für Bild -
und Tonverarbeitung. Berlin Vol. Bd.45(Heft~3/4), pp. pp.~62-68. Bild & Ton, Medienverlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Digitales Sehen mit Bildpyramiden II},
  journal = {Bild & Ton, Fachzeitschrift für Bild - 
und Tonverarbeitung}, publisher = {Bild & Ton, Medienverlag}, year = {1992}, volume = {Bd.45}, number = {Heft~3/4}, pages = {pp.~62--68} }
Kropatsch WG, Neuhauser MA, Leitgeb IJ and Bischof H (1992), "Combining pyramidal and fractal image coding", In Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Vol. Vol.~III, pp. 61-64. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Neuhauser, Michael A. and Leitgeb, Irene J. and Bischof, Horst},
  editor = {Backer, E. and Gelsema, E.S.},
  title = {Combining pyramidal and fractal image coding},
  booktitle = {Proc. 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {Vol.~III},
  pages = {61--64}
Kropatsch WG and Willersinn D (1992), "Representing Curves in Irregular Pyramids", In Pattern Recognition 1992. , pp. 233-248. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Willersinn, Dieter},
  title = {Representing Curves in Irregular Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Pattern Recognition 1992},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1992},
  pages = {233--248},
  note = {Band 62}
Kropatsch WG, Neuhauser MA and Leitgeb IJ (1992), "Iterated Function Systems -
A direct discrete Approach with Pyramids"
, In Pattern Recognition 1992. , pp. 108-118. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and 
Neuhauser, Michael A. and
Leitgeb, Irene J.}, title = {Iterated Function Systems -
A direct discrete Approach with Pyramids}, booktitle = {Pattern Recognition 1992}, publisher = {R.~Oldenburg}, year = {1992}, pages = {108--118}, note = {Band 62} }
Kropatsch WG and Willersinn D (1992), "Curve representation in different grids", In Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision. Vol. Mathematical Research, Vol.~69, pp. 141-154. Akademie-Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Willersinn, Dieter},
  editor = {Klette, Reinhard and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Curve representation in different grids},
  booktitle = {Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision},
  publisher = {Akademie-Verlag},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {Mathematical Research, Vol.~69},
  pages = {141--154}
(1992), "Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision" Vol. Mathematical Research, Vol.~69 Akademie-Verlag.
  editor = {Klette, Reinhard and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision},
  publisher = {Akademie-Verlag},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {Mathematical Research, Vol.~69}
Pinz A, Kropatsch WG, Hinterleitner A and Petrak JP (1992), "Evaluation of Image Processing Systems for
Application in Research and Education"
, In Modelling and New Methods in Image Processing
and in Geographical Information Systems. , pp. 193-202. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Pinz, Axel and 
Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Hinterleitner, Alois and
Petrak, Johann P.}, editor = {Mandl, Peter}, title = {Evaluation of Image Processing Systems for
Application in Research and Education}, booktitle = { Modelling and New Methods in Image Processing
and in Geographical Information Systems}, publisher = {R.~Oldenburg}, year = {1992}, pages = {193--202}, note = {Band 61} }
Bartl R and Kropatsch WG (1991), "Knowledge-Based Image Analysis", In Knowledge-Based Systems in Nuclear Medicine.
  author = {Bartl, Renate and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Pretschner, D.P. and Adlassnig, K.-P.},
  title = {Knowledge-Based Image Analysis},
  booktitle = {Knowledge-Based Systems in Nuclear Medicine},
  year = {1991}
Dörsam A, Kropatsch WG and Pinz A (1991), "Adaptive Image Compression Using
Fractals and Pyramids"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-8)
  author = {Dörsam, Adreas and 
Kropatsch, Walter G. and Pinz, Axel}, title = {Adaptive Image Compression Using
Fractals and Pyramids}, year = {1991}, number = {PRIP-TR-8} }
Kropatsch WG (1991), "Integration of SAR and DEM data -
Geometrical Considerations"
, In Proc. of the IAPR-TC7 Workshop on
'Multisource Data Integration in
Remote Sensing'. Vol. 3099, pp. 27-38. NASA Conference Publication.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Tilton, James C.},
  title = {Integration of SAR and DEM data -
Geometrical Considerations}, booktitle = {Proc. of the IAPR-TC7 Workshop on
'Multisource Data Integration in
Remote Sensing'}, publisher = {NASA Conference Publication}, year = {1991}, volume = {3099}, pages = {27--38} }
Kropatsch WG (1991), "Hierarchical Methods for Robot Vision", In Expert Systems and Robotics. Corfu, Greece Vol. Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol.~71, pp. 63-109. Springer.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Jordanides, Timothy and Torby, Bruce},
  title = {Hierarchical Methods for Robot Vision},
  booktitle = {Expert Systems and Robotics},
  publisher = {Springer},
  year = {1991},
  volume = {Computer and Systems Sciences, Vol.~71},
  pages = {63--109}
Kropatsch WG and Montanvert A (1991), "Irregular versus Regular Pyramid Structures", In Geometrical Problems of Image Processing. Georgenthal, Germany, March, 1991. , pp. 11-22. Akademie Verlag, Berlin.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Montanvert, Annick},
  editor = {Eckhardt, U. and Hübler, A. and Nagel, W. and Werner, G.},
  title = {Irregular versus Regular Pyramid Structures},
  booktitle = {Geometrical Problems of Image Processing},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag, Berlin},
  year = {1991},
  pages = {11--22}
Kropatsch WG (1991), "Digitales Sehen mit Bildpyramiden" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-1)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Digitales Sehen mit Bildpyramiden},
  year = {1991},
  number = {PRIP-TR-1},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG (1991), "Image Pyramids and Curves - An Overview" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-2)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Image Pyramids and Curves - An Overview},
  year = {1991},
  number = {PRIP-TR-2},
  url = {}
Kropatsch WG (1991), "Integration of SAR and DEM data -
Geometrical Considerations"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-3)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Integration of SAR and DEM data -
Geometrical Considerations}, year = {1991}, number = {PRIP-TR-3}, url = {} }
Kropatsch WG and Montanvert A (1991), "Irregular Pyramids" TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-5)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Montanvert, Annick},
  title = {Irregular Pyramids},
  year = {1991},
  number = {PRIP-TR-5},
  url = {}
Pinz A, Kropatsch WG, Hinterleitner A and Petrak JP (1991), "Evaluation of Image Processing Systems for
Application in Research and Education"
TU Wien, Austria (PRIP-TR-12)
  author = {Pinz, Axel and 
Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Hinterleitner, Alois and
Petrak, Johann P.}, title = {Evaluation of Image Processing Systems for
Application in Research and Education}, year = {1991}, number = {PRIP-TR-12}, url = {} }
Kropatsch WG and Strobl D (1990), "The Generation of SAR Layover and Shadow Maps from Digital Elevation Models", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing., January, 1990. Vol. Vol.~28(No.~1), pp. pp.~98-107.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Strobl, Dieter},
  title = {The Generation of SAR Layover and Shadow Maps from Digital Elevation Models},
  journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing},
  year = {1990},
  volume = {Vol.~28},
  number = {No.~1},
  pages = {pp.~98--107}
Kropatsch WG (1990), "Digitales Sehen mit Bildpyramiden", Elektronik-Journal: Maschinelles Sehen -
Industrielle Bildverarbeitung. München , pp. pp.93-102. Europa-Fachpresse-Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Ernst, Hartmut},
  title = {Digitales Sehen mit Bildpyramiden},
  journal = {Elektronik-Journal: Maschinelles Sehen - 
Industrielle Bildverarbeitung}, publisher = {Europa-Fachpresse-Verlag}, year = {1990}, pages = {pp.93--102} }
Kropatsch WG (1990), "Image Pyramids and Curves" Universität Innsbruck, Austria
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Image Pyramids and Curves},
  year = {1990},
  note = {Habilitation}
Yamaguchi T and Kropatsch WG (1990), "Distortion-Tolerance Curve of the Neocognitron with Various Structures, including Pyramid", In Proc. 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Atlantic City, NJ, June, 1990. Vol. VOL.~I, pp. 918-922. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Yamaguchi, Toru and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Distortion-Tolerance Curve of the Neocognitron with Various Structures, including Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Proc. 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1990},
  volume = {VOL.~I},
  pages = {918--922}
Fermüller C and Kropatsch WG (1989), "Hierarchische Kontur-Beschreibung durch
, In Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung. , pp. 171-187. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Fermüller, Cornelia and 
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Pinz, Axel}, title = {Hierarchische Kontur-Beschreibung durch
Krümmung}, booktitle = {Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung}, publisher = {R.~Oldenburg}, year = {1989}, pages = {171--187}, note = {Band 49} }
Kropatsch WG and Tockner H (1989), "Detecting the Straightness of Digital Curves in O(n) Steps", Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing., January, 1989. Vol. Vol.~45(No.~1), pp. pp.1-21.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Tockner, H.},
  title = {Detecting the Straightness of Digital Curves in O(n) Steps},
  journal = {Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {Vol.~45},
  number = {No.~1},
  pages = {pp.1--21}
Kropatsch WG and Paar G (1989), "Working with Image Pyramids in DIBAG" Graz, Austria (DIBAG Bericht Nr. 41)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Paar, Gerhard},
  title = {Working with Image Pyramids in DIBAG},
  year = {1989},
  number = {DIBAG Bericht Nr. 41}
Mayer HF and Kropatsch WG (1989), "Kompakte Bildkodierung mit der $3 times 3/2$
, In Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung. , pp. 195-210. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Mayer, Harald F. and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Pinz, Axel},
  title = {Kompakte Bildkodierung mit der $3 times 3/2$ 
Pyramide}, booktitle = {Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung}, publisher = {R.~Oldenburg}, year = {1989}, pages = {195--210}, note = {Band 49} }
Mayer HF and Kropatsch WG (1989), "Progressive Bildübertragung mit der
$3 times 3 / 2$ Pyramide"
, In Informatik Fachberichte 219:
Mustererkennung 1989. Hamburg, BRD, 2.-4.10., 1989. , pp. 160-167. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Mayer, Harald F. and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Burkhardt, H. and Höhne, K.H. and 
Neumann, B.}, title = {Progressive Bildübertragung mit der
$3 times 3 / 2$ Pyramide}, booktitle = {Informatik Fachberichte 219:
Mustererkennung 1989}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1989}, pages = { 160--167} }
Paar G, Kropatsch WG and Bauer A (1989), "Überlagerung orthogonaler CT- und
Dosenschichten als Darstellungsmethode
in der Strahlentherapie"
, In Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung. , pp. 36-43. Oldenbourg.
  author = {Paar, Gerhard and Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Bauer, Arnold}, editor = {Pinz, Axel}, title = {Überlagerung orthogonaler CT- und
Dosenschichten als Darstellungsmethode
in der Strahlentherapie}, booktitle = {Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung}, publisher = {Oldenbourg}, year = {1989}, pages = {36--43}, note = {OCG-Schriftenreihe, Österr.
Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung,
Band 49} }
Plößnig M, Billington B and Kropatsch WG (1989), "SHERLOCK - an intelligent system to locate control points in SAR images and DEM", In Proc. of the 2nd intl. Geosar-Workshop on 'Image Rectification for Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar - Geocoded and Value-Added Products'. Loipersdorf, Austria, January, 1989.
  author = {Plößnig, Manuela and Billington, Beate and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {SHERLOCK - an intelligent system to locate control points in SAR images and DEM},
  booktitle = {Proc. of the 2nd intl. Geosar-Workshop on 'Image Rectification for Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar - Geocoded and Value-Added Products'},
  year = {1989}
Plößnig M, Kropatsch WG and Strobl D (1989), "SHERLOCK Supports the Geocoding of SAR Images", In Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung. , pp. 112-119. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Plößnig, Manuela and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Strobl, Dieter},
  editor = {Pinz, Axel},
  title = {SHERLOCK Supports the Geocoding of SAR Images},
  booktitle = {Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1989},
  pages = {112--119},
  note = {Band 49}
Plößnig M, Kropatsch WG and Strobl D (1989), "SHERLOCK Supports the Geocoding of SAR Images", In IGARSS'89: Quantitative Remote Sensing: An Economic Tool for the Nineties. Vancouver, Canada, July, 1989. , pp. 856-859.
  author = {Plößnig, Manuela and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Strobl, Dieter},
  title = {SHERLOCK Supports the Geocoding of SAR Images},
  booktitle = {IGARSS'89: Quantitative Remote Sensing: An Economic Tool for the Nineties},
  year = {1989},
  pages = {856--859},
  note = {Book 2}
Yamaguchi T and Kropatsch WG (1989), "Structural Implications of the Performance
of a Neural Network"
, In Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung. , pp. 140-148. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Yamaguchi, Toru and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Pinz, Axel},
  title = {Structural Implications of the Performance 
of a Neural Network}, booktitle = {Wissensbasierte Mustererkennung}, publisher = {R.~Oldenburg}, year = {1989}, pages = {140--148}, note = {Band 49} }
Yamaguchi T and Kropatsch WG (1989), "A Vision by Neural Network or by Pyramid", In Proceedings of the 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. Oulu, Finland, June, 1989. , pp. 104-111.
  author = {Yamaguchi, Toru and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {A Vision by Neural Network or by Pyramid},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis},
  year = {1989},
  pages = {104--111}
Kropatsch WG (1988), "Preserving Contours in Dual Pyramids", In Proc. 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Rome, Italy, November, 1988. , pp. 563-565. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Preserving Contours in Dual Pyramids},
  booktitle = {Proc. 9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition},
  publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.},
  year = {1988},
  pages = {563--565}
Kropatsch WG (1988), "Rezeptive Felder in Bildpyramiden", In Informatik Fachberichte 180:
Mustererkennung 1988. Zürich, Schweiz, 27.9.-29.9., 1988. , pp. 333-339. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Bunke, H. and Kübler, Olaf and 
Stucki, P.}, title = {Rezeptive Felder in Bildpyramiden}, booktitle = {Informatik Fachberichte 180:
Mustererkennung 1988}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1988}, pages = {333--339} }
Kropatsch WG (1988), "Wechselwirkungen zwischen Visualisierung und
, In Visualisierungstechniken und Algorithmen. , pp. 99-108. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {W. Barth},
  title = {Wechselwirkungen zwischen Visualisierung und 
Bildanalyse}, booktitle = {Visualisierungstechniken und Algorithmen}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1988}, pages = {99--108}, note = {Informatik Fachberichte 182} }
Kropatsch WG (1988), "Pyramid Research for Image Analysis", In 2nd Hungarian Workshop on Image Analysis. Budapest, Hungary, June, 1988. , pp. 115-118. MTA, Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Csetverikov, Dmitrij},
  title = {Pyramid Research for Image Analysis},
  booktitle = {2nd Hungarian Workshop on Image Analysis},
  publisher = {MTA, Computer and Automation Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences},
  year = {1988},
  pages = {115--118}
Kropatsch WG and Herbst H (1988), "Effiziente Störungsreduktion in der GauPyramide", In Statistik und Mustererkennung. , pp. 22-47. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Herbst, H.},
  editor = {Pichler, Franz and Pinz, Axel},
  title = {Effiziente Störungsreduktion in der GauPyramide},
  booktitle = {Statistik und Mustererkennung},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1988},
  pages = {22--47},
  note = {Band 42}
Paar G and Kropatsch WG (1988), "Hierarchical Cooperation between Numerical
and Symbolic Image Representations"
, In Proceedings of IAPR workshop on ''Syntactical
and Structural Pattern Recognition''. Pont-a-Mousson, France , pp. 104-114. .
  author = {Paar, G. and 
Kropatsch, Walter G.}, editor = {Mohr}, title = {Hierarchical Cooperation between Numerical
and Symbolic Image Representations}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IAPR workshop on ''Syntactical
and Structural Pattern Recognition''}, publisher = { }, year = {1988}, pages = {104--114} }
Kropatsch WG and Paar G (1987), "Aufbau einer Pyramide auf Radarbildern", In Berichte aus
Informatikforschungsinstitutionen. Wien--München , pp. 221-232. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and 
Paar, Gerhard}, editor = {G. Pernul and A Min Toja}, title = {Aufbau einer Pyramide auf Radarbildern}, booktitle = {Berichte aus
Informatikforschungsinstitutionen}, publisher = {R.~Oldenburg}, year = {1987}, pages = {221--232}, note = {Band 37} }
Kropatsch WG (1987), "Elimination von ''kleinen'' Kurvenstücken
in der $2 times 2/2$ Kurvenpyramide"
, In Informatik Fachberichte 149:
Mustererkennung 1987. Braunschweig, BRD , pp. 156-160. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {E. Paulus},
  title = {Elimination von ''kleinen'' Kurvenstücken 
in der $2 times 2/2$ Kurvenpyramide}, booktitle = {Informatik Fachberichte 149:
Mustererkennung 1987}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1987}, pages = {156--160} }
Kropatsch WG (1987), "Elimination von 'kleinen' Kurvenstücken in
der $2 times 2/2$ Kurvenpyramide,
Algorithmus und Test"
Graz, Austria (DIBAG-Publikationen Nr. 25)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Elimination von 'kleinen' Kurvenstücken in 
der $2 times 2/2$ Kurvenpyramide,
Algorithmus und Test}, year = {1987}, number = {DIBAG-Publikationen Nr. 25}, note = {Extended version of teKropatsch87b } }
Kropatsch WG (1987), "Curve Representations in Multiple Resolutions", Pattern Recognition Letters., August, 1987. Vol. Vol.~6(No.~3), pp. 179-184.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Curve Representations in Multiple Resolutions},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {Vol.~6},
  number = {No.~3},
  pages = {179--184}
Paar G and Kropatsch WG (1987), "Image Compression using the Pyramid Approach", In Final Contract Report. Graz, Austria, December, 1987. , pp. 94-103. European Space Agency, ESA contract No. 6.621/85/F/FL (SC).
  author = {Paar, Gerhard and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Image Compression using the Pyramid Approach},
  booktitle = {Final Contract Report},
  publisher = {European Space Agency, ESA contract No. 6.621/85/F/FL (SC)},
  year = {1987},
  pages = {94--103}
Kropatsch WG (1986), "Kurvenrepräsentation in Pyramiden", In Mustererkennung'86. , pp. 16-51. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Mandl, P.},
  title = {Kurvenrepräsentation in Pyramiden},
  booktitle = {Mustererkennung'86},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1986},
  pages = {16--51},
  note = {Band 36}
Kropatsch WG (1986), "Curve Representations in Multiple Resolutions", In Proc. Eighth International Conference on
Pattern Recognition. , pp. 1283-1285. IEEE Comp.Soc..
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Curve Representations in Multiple Resolutions},
  booktitle = {Proc. Eighth International Conference on 
Pattern Recognition}, publisher = {IEEE Comp.Soc.}, year = {1986}, pages = {1283--1285} }
Kropatsch WG (1986), "Grauwert und Kurvenpyramide, das ideale
, In Informatik Fachberichte 125:
Mustererkennung 1986. Paderborn, BRD , pp. 79-83. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {G. Hartmann},
  title = {Grauwert und Kurvenpyramide, das ideale 
Paar}, booktitle = {Informatik Fachberichte 125:
Mustererkennung 1986}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1986}, pages = {79--83} }
Kropatsch WG (1986), "Ein Konzept mit zwei sich ergänzenden
, In Mustererkennung'86. , pp. 158-171. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Mandl, P.},
  title = {Ein Konzept mit zwei sich ergänzenden 
Pyramiden}, booktitle = {Mustererkennung'86}, publisher = {R.~Oldenburg}, year = {1986}, pages = {158--171}, note = {Band 36} }
(1986), "Mustererkennung'86" R.~Oldenburg.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Mandl, Peter},
  title = {Mustererkennung'86},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1986},
  note = {Band 36}
Kropatsch WG (1986), "Curve Representations in Multiple Resolutions" Graz, Austria (DIBAG-Publikationen Nr. 24)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Curve Representations in Multiple Resolutions},
  year = {1986},
  number = {DIBAG-Publikationen Nr. 24},
  note = {Extended version of teKropatsch86c }
Kropatsch WG (1985), "A Pyramid that Grows by Powers of 2", Pattern Recognition Letters. Vol. Vol.~3, pp. pp.315-322.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {A Pyramid that Grows by Powers of 2},
  journal = {Pattern Recognition Letters},
  year = {1985},
  volume = {Vol.~3},
  pages = {pp.315--322}
Kropatsch WG (1985), "Hierarchical Curve Representation in a New Pyramid Scheme", June, 1985. (TR-1522)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Hierarchical Curve Representation in a New Pyramid Scheme},
  year = {1985},
  number = {TR-1522}
Kropatsch WG (1985), "An Interpolation Method on Triangular Networks for Surface Model Architectures", In Computer Architectures for Spatially Distributed Data. , pp. 313-328. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Freeman, H. and Pieroni, G.G.},
  title = {An Interpolation Method on Triangular Networks for Surface Model Architectures},
  booktitle = {Computer Architectures for Spatially Distributed Data},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo},
  year = {1985},
  pages = {313--328},
  note = {NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences No. 18}
Kropatsch WG (1985), "Kritische Fragen zur Zauberformel 'Expert Vision Systeme'", In Informatik Fachberichte 107: Mustererkennung 1985. Erlangen, BRD, September, 1985. , pp. 159. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Kritische Fragen zur Zauberformel 'Expert Vision Systeme'},
  booktitle = {Informatik Fachberichte 107: Mustererkennung 1985},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag},
  year = {1985},
  pages = { 159}
Kropatsch WG and Pölzleitner W (1985), "Automatische Profilbrettklassifikation - Welche Technologien kommen für den industriellen Einsatz in Frage?", In Mustererkennung: Medizin, Sprachanalyse, Rechnerarchitektur. , pp. 55-68. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Pölzleitner, Wolfgang},
  title = {Automatische Profilbrettklassifikation - Welche Technologien kommen für den industriellen Einsatz in Frage?},
  booktitle = {Mustererkennung: Medizin, Sprachanalyse, Rechnerarchitektur},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1985},
  pages = {55--68},
  note = {Band 29}
Kropatsch WG (1985), "Methodenvergleich mit dem ersten internationalen Multisensor - Referenzdatensatz", In Mitteilungen der forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt Wien, 157. Heft. , pp. 147-151. Forstliche Bundesversuchsanstalt in Wien.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Methodenvergleich mit dem ersten internationalen Multisensor - Referenzdatensatz},
  booktitle = {Mitteilungen der forstlichen Bundesversuchsanstalt Wien, 157. Heft},
  publisher = {Forstliche Bundesversuchsanstalt in Wien},
  year = {1985},
  pages = {147--151},
  note = {2. Österreichisches Symposium Fernerkundung, Austrian Solar and Space Agency, 2. - 4. Oktober 1985, Wien}
Kropatsch WG and Oswald H (1984), "Segmentierung von CT-Szenen" Graz, Austria (DIBAG - Bericht Nr. 15)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Oswald, Helmut},
  title = {Segmentierung von CT-Szenen},
  year = {1984},
  number = {DIBAG - Bericht Nr. 15},
  note = {In H. Oswald, F. Leberl: Digitale Bearbeitung und Auswertung computertomographischer Bilder, Kap. 4.}
(1984), "Mustererkennung 1984", 2.-4. Oktober, 1984. Springer Verlag,
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo.
  editor = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Mustererkennung 1984},
  publisher = {Springer Verlag, 
Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo}, year = {1984}, note = {ÖAGM/DAGM - Symposium, Graz, Austria} }
Pölzleitner W and Kropatsch W (1984), "Überprüfung von Holzstrukturen in
durch modellgestützte Datenreduktion"
, In Informatik Fachberichte 87:
Mustererkennung 1984. Graz, Austria, Oktober, 1984. , pp. 198-204. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Pölzleitner, Wolfgang and 
Kropatsch, Walter}, title = {Überprüfung von Holzstrukturen in
durch modellgestützte Datenreduktion}, booktitle = {Informatik Fachberichte 87:
Mustererkennung 1984}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1984}, pages = { 198--204} }
Kropatsch WG (1983), "Segmentation of Digital Images Using A Priori Information about the Expected Image Contents", In Pictorial Data Analysis, NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences No. 4. , pp. 107-132. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Haralick, R.M.},
  title = {Segmentation of Digital Images Using A Priori Information about the Expected Image Contents},
  booktitle = {Pictorial Data Analysis, NATO ASI Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences No. 4},
  publisher = {Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo},
  year = {1983},
  pages = {107--132}
Kropatsch WG (1983), "Knowledge Based Image Segmentation of CT-Images", In Bildverarbeitung: Datenstrukturen, Anwendungen. Wien , pp. 107-140. R.~Oldenburg.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Schneider, Werner and Schuster, Ernst},
  title = {Knowledge Based Image Segmentation of CT-Images},
  booktitle = {Bildverarbeitung: Datenstrukturen, Anwendungen},
  publisher = {R.~Oldenburg},
  year = {1983},
  pages = {107--140},
  note = {OCG-Publikation Nr.15}
Kropatsch WG (1983), "DAF - Dreiecks-Approximationen für
Graz, Austria (DIBAG-Publikationen Nr. 8)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {DAF - Dreiecks-Approximationen für 
Flächen}, year = {1983}, number = {DIBAG-Publikationen Nr. 8} }
Kropatsch WG (1983), "Bezier-Flächen mit Dreiecksmaschen", In Berichte aus Informatikinstituten. Innsbruck, 1.-3. März, 1983.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Bezier-Flächen mit Dreiecksmaschen},
  booktitle = {Berichte aus Informatikinstituten},
  year = {1983}
Ranzinger H and Kropatsch WG (1983), "Recognition of Areal Features for Map-
Guided Image Analysis"
, In Proceedings SPIE. Geneva, Switzerland, 19.-22. April, 1983.
  author = {Ranzinger, Hubert and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Recognition of Areal Features for Map-
Guided Image Analysis}, booktitle = {Proceedings SPIE}, year = {1983} }
Oswald H, Kropatsch WG and Leberl F (1982), "A Perspective Projection Algorithm with Fast Evaluation of Visibility for Discrete Three Dimensional Scenes", In Proceedings ISMIII'82. , pp. 464-470.
  author = {Oswald, Helmut and Kropatsch, Walter G. and Leberl, Franz},
  title = {A Perspective Projection Algorithm with Fast Evaluation of Visibility for Discrete Three Dimensional Scenes},
  booktitle = {Proceedings ISMIII'82},
  year = {1982},
  pages = {464--470},
  note = {IEEE No. 82CH1804-4}
Kropatsch WG and Leberl FW (1981), "Automated Registration of Scanned Satellite
Imagery with a Digital Map Data Base"
Graz, Austria (DIBAG-Publikationen Nr. 1)
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Leberl, Franz W.},
  title = {Automated Registration of Scanned Satellite 
Imagery with a Digital Map Data Base}, year = {1981}, number = {DIBAG-Publikationen Nr. 1} }
Kropatsch WG and Leberl F (1981), "Organisation kartographischer Daten zur
kenntnisgestützten Bildanalyse"
, In Informatik Fachberichte 49:
Modelle und Strukturen. Hamburg, BRD, Oktober, 1981. Springer Verlag.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Leberl, Franz},
  title = {Organisation kartographischer Daten zur 
kenntnisgestützten Bildanalyse}, booktitle = {Informatik Fachberichte 49:
Modelle und Strukturen}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, year = {1981} }
Kropatsch WG (1981), "A Digital Map Data Base for automated
Registration with Scanned Satellite
. Thesis at: Technische Universität Graz, Austria.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {A Digital Map Data Base for automated 
Registration with Scanned Satellite
Images}, school = {Technische Universität Graz, Austria}, year = {1981}, note = {Dissertation} }
Kropatsch WG (1981), "Organisation von ortsbezogenen Daten für die Bildanalyse und Beispiele der Anwendung", In Mustererkennung und Bildverarbeitung in Österreich., 6. - 7. November, 1981. , pp. 189-201. dbv-Verlag TU-Graz.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  editor = {Leberl, Franz and Ranzinger, Hubert},
  title = {Organisation von ortsbezogenen Daten für die Bildanalyse und Beispiele der Anwendung},
  booktitle = {Mustererkennung und Bildverarbeitung in Österreich},
  publisher = {dbv-Verlag TU-Graz},
  year = {1981},
  pages = {189--201}
Oswald H, Kropatsch WG, Leberl F, Gell G, Sager W and Stöffler G (1981), "Experimente zur dreidimensionalen Darstellung
von Objekten aus computertomographischen
, In 2. Grazer CT-Symposium., 2. - 3. October, 1981.
  author = {Oswald, Helmut and
Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Leberl, Franz and Gell, Günter and
Sager, W.D. and Stöffler, G.}, title = {Experimente zur dreidimensionalen Darstellung
von Objekten aus computertomographischen
Bildern}, booktitle = {2. Grazer CT-Symposium}, year = {1981} }
Kropatsch WG (1980), "Eine kartographische Datenbank für Experimente zur kartengestützten Analyse digitaler Bilder", Mitteilungen der geod. Institute der TU Graz. Vol. Folge 33, pp. 133-176.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Eine kartographische Datenbank für Experimente zur kartengestützten Analyse digitaler Bilder},
  journal = {Mitteilungen der geod. Institute der TU Graz},
  year = {1980},
  volume = {Folge 33},
  pages = {133--176}
Leberl F and Kropatsch WG (1980), "Experiments with Automatic Feature Analysis
Using Maps and Images"
, In Pres. Paper, 14. Kongreß der
Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie. Hamburg, BRD, 13. - 24. Juli, 1980.
  author = {Leberl, Franz and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Experiments with Automatic Feature Analysis 
Using Maps and Images}, booktitle = {Pres. Paper, 14. Kongreß der
Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie}, year = {1980} }
Leberl F, Kropatsch WG and Lipp V (1980), "Interpolation of Raster Heights from
Digitized Contour Lines"
, In Pres. Paper, 14. Kongreß der
Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie. Hamburg, BRD, 13. - 24. Juli, 1980.
  author = {Leberl, Franz and Kropatsch, Walter G. and
Lipp, Volker}, title = {Interpolation of Raster Heights from
Digitized Contour Lines}, booktitle = {Pres. Paper, 14. Kongreß der
Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie}, year = {1980} }
Leberl F and Kropatsch WG (1979), "Map-Guided Automatic Analysis of Digital Satellite Images", Mitteilungen der geod. Institute der TU Graz., 19. - 22. Juni, 1979. Vol. Folge 33, pp. 93-106.
  author = {Leberl, Franz and Kropatsch, Walter G.},
  title = {Map-Guided Automatic Analysis of Digital Satellite Images},
  journal = {Mitteilungen der geod. Institute der TU Graz},
  year = {1979},
  volume = {Folge 33},
  pages = {93--106}
Kropatsch WG and Leberl F (1978), "Die Erkennung von Kanten und Linien in digitalen Bildern", In Symposium der Kommission III der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie. Moskau, UdSSR, 30. Juli - 5. Aug., 1978. , pp. 548-573.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Leberl, Franz},
  title = {Die Erkennung von Kanten und Linien in digitalen Bildern},
  booktitle = {Symposium der Kommission III der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie},
  year = {1978},
  pages = {548--573}
Kropatsch WG and Leberl F (1978), "Concept for the Automatic Registration of Satellite Images with a Digital Map Data Base", In Proceedings, Symposium der Kommission IV der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie. Ottawa, Kanada, 6.~-~8. Oktober, 1978. , pp. 411-413.
  author = {Kropatsch, Walter G. and Leberl, Franz},
  title = {Concept for the Automatic Registration of Satellite Images with a Digital Map Data Base},
  booktitle = {Proceedings, Symposium der Kommission IV der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Photogrammetrie},
  year = {1978},
  pages = {411--413}
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