Pattern Recognition and
Image Processing Group
Institute of Visual Computing and Human-Centered Technology
Former (1990-2021)
TU Wien Informatics

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Name: Michael Sprinzl
Academic Title(s): BSc
Function: Tutor
Phone: +43 (1) 58801 - 18662
Fax: +43 (1) 58801 - 18697
E-Mail: msprinzl(at)
Office Location: HB0404
Office Hours: By Appointment

I left PRIP on January, 31st 2016 and I am now working as software engineer for computer vision and machine learning at the R&D department of Deutsches Medizinrechenzentrum in Vienna. You can reach me via e-mail sprinzl(at)dmrz(dot)de.
Contact: Mail: webmaster(at) | Tel: +43.1.58801.193301 | Fax : no longer available
2014-2020 PRIP, Impressum / Datenschutzerklärung
This page is maintained by Webmaster ( webmaster(at) ) and was last modified on 24. March 2016 13:57