by Carmine Carratù
The distance transform computes for every pixel of a binary image the distance from the closest pixel in the background. The operator can be generalized to work with other data structures like graphs or combinatorial maps. In this work we describe how to compute the distance transform of a generalized map, and we propose two algorithms to compute re- spectively the distance transform of unweighted and weighted generalized maps. Moreover, we describe how such algorithms can be used for the ”Water’s gateway to heaven” project to compute the diffusion distance and Voronoi diagrams that can be used to study the gas exchange process that occurs in plant leaves.
Distance transforms on gmaps (Carmine Carratù), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
author = "Carmine Carratù",
title = "Distance transforms on gmaps",
institution = "PRIP, TU Wien",
number = "PRIP-TR-153",
year = "2022",
url = "",
abstract = "The distance transform computes for every pixel of a binary image the distance from the closest pixel in the background. The operator can be generalized to work with other data structures like graphs or combinatorial maps. In this work we describe how to compute the distance transform of a generalized map, and we propose two algorithms to compute re- spectively the distance transform of unweighted and weighted generalized maps. Moreover, we describe how such algorithms can be used for the ”Water’s gateway to heaven” project to compute the diffusion distance and Voronoi diagrams that can be used to study the gas exchange process that occurs in plant leaves.",