Quality Assessment of Color Fundus and Fluorescein Angiography Images (bibtex)
by Michael König, Omar Ismail
Color Fundus and Fluorescein Angiography are medical procedures used for eye diagnosis. In Fluorescein Angiography a series of pho- tographs is taken to analyze the blood flow in the back of the eyes. Color Fundus records color images of the interior surface of the eye to monitor and document disorders. As with every photograph, certain image distortions occur, making analysis difficult. The aim of these theses is to find a way to measure these distortions and ideally, flag bad photographs so that the analysis process can be accelerated.
Quality Assessment of Color Fundus and Fluorescein Angiography Images (Michael König, Omar Ismail), (Walter G. Kropatsch, ed.), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 2019.
Bibtex Entry:
  author      = "Michael K\"{o}nig and Omar Ismail",
  editor      = "Walter G. Kropatsch",
  title       = "Quality Assessment of Color Fundus and Fluorescein Angiography Images",
  institution = "PRIP, TU Wien",
  number      = "PRIP-TR-145",
  year        = "2019",
  url         = "https://www.prip.tuwien.ac.at/pripfiles/trs/tr145.pdf",
  abstract    = "Color Fundus and Fluorescein Angiography are medical procedures used for eye diagnosis. In Fluorescein Angiography a series of pho- tographs is taken to analyze the blood flow in the back of the eyes. Color Fundus records color images of the interior surface of the eye to monitor and document disorders. As with every photograph, certain image distortions occur, making analysis difficult. The aim of these theses is to find a way to measure these distortions and ideally, flag bad photographs so that the analysis process can be accelerated.",
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