Students' SS 2018 Contributions: Selected Chapters of Image Processing and (183.151) and Seminar of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (186.837) (bibtex)
by Christian Brändle, Bernhard Langer, Maximilian Langer, Julian Strohmayer, Anna Gostler, Timon Höbert
This technical report presents a collection of selected papers, submitted by students in the courses ``Selected Chapters of Image Processing(VU183.151)and``SeminarofComputerVisionandPatternRecognition (SE 186.837) of the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing group during summer term 2018. ``Selected Chapters of Image Processing'' was organized as presentations followed by disussions lead by an oponent.
Students' SS 2018 Contributions: Selected Chapters of Image Processing and (183.151) and Seminar of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (186.837) (Christian Brändle, Bernhard Langer, Maximilian Langer, Julian Strohmayer, Anna Gostler, Timon Höbert), (Walter G. Kropatsch, Jiri Hladuvka, eds.), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  author      = "Christian Br\"{a}ndle and Bernhard Langer and Maximilian Langer and Julian Strohmayer and Anna Gostler and Timon H\"{o}bert",
  editor      = "Walter G. Kropatsch and Jiri Hladuvka",
  title       = "Students' SS 2018 Contributions: Selected Chapters of Image Processing and (183.151) and Seminar of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (186.837)",
  institution = "PRIP, TU Wien",
  number      = "PRIP-TR-144",
  year        = "2018",
  url         = "",
  abstract    = "This technical report presents a collection of selected papers, submitted by students in the courses ``Selected Chapters of Image Processing" (VU 183.151) and ``Seminar of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition" (SE 186.837) of the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing group during summer term 2018. ``Selected Chapters of Image Processing'' was organized as presentations followed by disussions lead by an oponent.",
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