Selected Chapters of Image Processing (summer term 2016), Graphs: Matching and Distance Student’s contributions (bibtex)
by Wen Chao Chen, Max Langer, Daniel Pucher, Carmine Sansone, Domenico Verlotta
This technical report presents a collection of selected papers, submitted by students in the course ”Selected Chapters of Image Processing” (VU 183.151) of the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing group during summer term 2016.
Selected Chapters of Image Processing (summer term 2016), Graphs: Matching and Distance Student’s contributions (Wen Chao Chen, Max Langer, Daniel Pucher, Carmine Sansone, Domenico Verlotta), (Walter G. Kropatsch, ed.), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =	 "Wen Chao Chen and Max Langer and Daniel Pucher and
Carmine Sansone and Domenico Verlotta",
 editor = "Walter G. Kropatsch",
  title =	 "Selected Chapters of Image Processing (summer term 2016), Graphs: Matching and Distance
Student’s contributions",
  institution =	 "PRIP, TU Wien",
  number =	 "PRIP-TR-138",
  year =	 "2016",
  url =		 "",
  abstract =	 "This technical report presents a collection of selected papers, submitted by students in the
course ”Selected Chapters of Image Processing” (VU 183.151) of the Pattern Recognition
and Image Processing group during summer term 2016.",
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