Structurally Correct Image Segmentation using Local Binary Patterns and the Combinatorial Pyramid (bibtex)
by Martin Cerman
Diploma thesis of Martin Cerman.
Structurally Correct Image Segmentation using Local Binary Patterns and the Combinatorial Pyramid (Martin Cerman), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =	 "Martin Cerman",
  title =	 "Structurally Correct Image Segmentation using Local Binary Patterns and the Combinatorial Pyramid",
  institution =	 "PRIP, TU Wien",
  number =	 "PRIP-TR-133",
  year =	 "2015",
  url =		 "",
  abstract =	 "Diploma thesis of Martin Cerman.",
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