Skewed Coordinate System for Dense Point Correspondences Inside Articulated Shapes (bibtex)
by Adrian Ion, Yll Haxhimusa, Walter G. Kropatsch
This paper considers using a non-rigid coordinate system to find corresponding points in different poses of the same articulated 2D shape. The shape-centered coordinate system is mapped on top of the eccentricity transform of the shape, which uses maximal geodesic distances and is bounded under articulation. The isolines of the eccentricity transform are used as one of the coordinates, the radial-like, and the other one, the angular-like, is stretched to compensate for changes in the widths of parts. The polar-like coordinate system is first computed on inter-pixel isolines and then mapped to the pixels. The angular-like coordinates are aligned using the 1D signals of the eccentricity values along the boundaries of the two shapes. Correspondences between points are established by minimizing the difference of their coordinates. Detecting failed correspondences is done using an adaptive threshold which adjusts to the changing local variation of the coordinates. Experimental results are shown on a set of hand poses, ranging from minor movement to touching or missing fingers.
Skewed Coordinate System for Dense Point Correspondences Inside Articulated Shapes (Adrian Ion, Yll Haxhimusa, Walter G. Kropatsch), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =	 "Adrian Ion and Yll Haxhimusa and Walter G. Kropatsch",
  title =	 "Skewed Coordinate System for Dense Point Correspondences Inside Articulated Shapes",
  institution =	 "PRIP, TU Wien",
  number =	 "PRIP-TR-126",
  year =	 "2011",
  url =		 "",
  abstract =	 "This paper considers using a non-rigid coordinate system to find corresponding points in different poses of the same articulated 2D shape.
The shape-centered coordinate system is mapped on top of the eccentricity transform of the shape, which uses maximal geodesic distances and is bounded under articulation. The isolines of the eccentricity transform are used as one of the coordinates, the {radial-like}, and the other one, the {angular-like}, is stretched to compensate for changes in the widths of parts.
The polar-like coordinate system is first computed on inter-pixel isolines and then mapped to the pixels.
The angular-like coordinates are aligned using the 1D signals of the eccentricity values along the boundaries of the two shapes.
Correspondences between points are established by minimizing the difference of their coordinates.
Detecting failed correspondences is done using an adaptive threshold which adjusts to the changing local variation of the coordinates.
Experimental results are shown on a set of hand poses, ranging from minor movement to touching or missing fingers.",
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