Building Irregular Graph Pyramid Using Dual Graph Contraction (bibtex)
by Maamar Saib, Yll Haxhimusa, Roland Glantz
In this technical report the new version of the software Dgc tool is presented.This tool allows us to build up irregular graph pyramids by dual graph contraction.The graph pyramid consists of a stack of levels (pair of graphs),each of which has a primal level and its dual. Every successive level is a reduced version of the level below. Primal level and its dual represent a primal graph and its dual,respectively. The primal graph base level of the pyramid may represent a two dimensional image.
Building Irregular Graph Pyramid Using Dual Graph Contraction (Maamar Saib, Yll Haxhimusa, Roland Glantz), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 2002.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =	 "Maamar Saib and Yll Haxhimusa and Roland Glantz",
  institution =	 "PRIP, TU Wien",
  number =	 "PRIP-TR-069",
  title =	 "Building {I}rregular {G}raph {P}yramid {U}sing
                  {D}ual {G}raph {C}ontraction",
  year =	 "2002",
  url =		 "",
  abstract =	 "In this technical report the new version of the
                  software Dgc tool is presented.This tool allows us
                  to build up irregular graph pyramids by dual graph
                  contraction.The graph pyramid consists of a stack of
                  levels (pair of graphs),each of which has a primal
                  level and its dual. Every successive level is a
                  reduced version of the level below. Primal level and
                  its dual represent a primal graph and its
                  dual,respectively. The primal graph base level of
                  the pyramid may represent a two dimensional image.",
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