Parallel Graph Contraction for Dual Irregular Pyramids (bibtex)
by Dieter Willersinn
Hierarchical representation of images is a crucial building principle of a system architecture that can cope with the complexity of visual perception. This paper presents an algorithm that builds a hierarchy which is flexible enough to provide a shift and scale invariant abstract representation of image content. The hierarchy is irregular in the sense that an element of the representation may have an arbitrary number of neighbors. At the same time, the representation can be described by a bounded data structure. Main properties of the algorithm with respect to visual perception are proved.
Parallel Graph Contraction for Dual Irregular Pyramids (Dieter Willersinn), Technical report, PRIP, TU Wien, 1994.
Bibtex Entry:
  author =	 "Dieter Willersinn",
  institution =	 "PRIP, TU Wien",
  number =	 "PRIP-TR-028",
  title =	 "Parallel {G}raph {C}ontraction for {D}ual
                  {I}rregular {P}yramids",
  year =	 "1994",
  url =		 "",
  abstract =	 "Hierarchical representation of images is a crucial
                  building principle of a system architecture that can
                  cope with the complexity of visual perception. This
                  paper presents an algorithm that builds a hierarchy
                  which is flexible enough to provide a shift and
                  scale invariant abstract representation of image
                  content. The hierarchy is irregular in the sense
                  that an element of the representation may have an
                  arbitrary number of neighbors. At the same time, the
                  representation can be described by a bounded data
                  structure. Main properties of the algorithm with
                  respect to visual perception are proved.",
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